• N I N E T E E N •

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"I'm guessing most of you can't fight physically for shit, so here's some weapons." Jennie threw some weapons at Lisa, Jisoo, Ten, Yuta, and Jaehyun. 

"Actually, I was almost a black belt in Taekwondo—"

"Cool, but keep the weapon anyway, you don't know what these guys hide up their sleeves." Jennie Interupted Lisa, giving her a stern look. Lisa closed her mouth and held the weapon her hand. Hearing Ten snickering, she stomped on his toe, causing Ten to yelp in pain. 

"Rosé are you sure, you'll be okay alone? I could just stay by your side the whole time, and we could fight them together." Jaehyun cautioned, trying to reload the gun, as he just stared at Rosè with worried eyes.

"I told you, I'll be fine." Rosè assured, as she fitted the bulletproof vest on herself. Then, she noticed something. "I should be worried about you." She joked, averting her gaze to Jaehyun.

"What are you talking about?" He questioned as he stared at her with furrowed eyebrows. 

"Do you mind shooting that mattress over their for me?" She asked, tilting her head to the direction of where the mattress was. Even though he was confused, he obeyed and pulled the trigger in that direction. Nothing happened, making him pull the gun back to take a closer look at it.

"What? Why didn't it go? I just reloaded it." He questioned, staring at the gun. He followed Rosé's hands, seeing her do something to the gun.

"It was on safety mode." She pointed out, trying to stop herself from snickering to death. Jaehyun raised an eyebrow as he pointed the gun at the mattress again, pulling the trigger. Finally the bullet came out, making a small noise hitting the mattress.

"I'm seriously the stupidest person in the world." He commented with a small chuckle, as he stared at the gun with a forced smile.

"Yeah you really are. Literally in every movie, there's that scene. I'm so surprised you didn't connect the dots earlier." She joked, tugging on his arm while grinning madly. Jaehyun began fake laughing as he pinched her nose, she scrunched up her nose cutely, while smacking his arm.

   Lisa looked around the room, only to find everyone being all couply. Rosè teaching Jaehyun how to use a gun, while basically giving him a back hug. 

Yuta teaching Jisoo self defense on the boxing bag, him purposely wrapping his arm around her waist. 

Then turning to her right, there's Jennie and Taeyong helping each other with the knives and other weapons, sneakily being all cuddly and couply. 

Lisa despised everything, now. She feels like the ultimate third wheeler— or is it seventh wheeler? Suddenly someone came up from behind her, lifting her up by the waist to move her to the right a bit.

"I've been calling your name to move or else I'll shoot." Lisa snapped back into reality, staring at Ten with a confused expression. She noticed she was standing right in front of one of the targets.

"Oh, sorry," she mumbled, before going over to the wall alone and sitting down, her back against the wall. 

After a couple of practice shots, Ten noticed how quiet and lonely Lisa was being, and sighed out loud, before going over by her side. 

"Why're you being so zoned out? Is everything that scary that you're shooketh?" Ten asked, as he sat beside her, his back against the cement wall as well. Lisa moved her head to her left slightly to look at him.

"No, I just feel...lonely..." Ten was about to ask why, when she interrupted, answering his question before he could even ask it. "Look at everyone being love birds, and here I am, being all alone and emo. I probably shouldn't think like this, we're all trying to get ready for a fight..." 

"I'm here too!" Ten exclaimed, in a whiny tone, but Lisa had no reaction. "Don't think I don't feel like a third wheeler, why do you think I was practicing alone, instead of with Jaehyun or something?" Lisa shrugged, not really knowing how to respond.

"I guess no one has ever liked me before, and I've never really thought about it, until now. I kind of feel ugly..." She trailed off, and Ten was caught by surprise, how could she say that about herself? 

"Have you ever liked someone before?" Ten asked, trying to avoid awkward silence, before it even starts. Lisa thought for a moment, wondering if she should tell Ten something she had kept secret for a long time, she hasn't even told Rosè.

"Yeah, I did." She mumbled, under her breath, but loud enough for Ten to hear. His eyes widened in shock, Thee Lalisa Manoban, has liked someone? In what universe?

"What, really?" Ten commented outloud, leaning a bit forward, so his back wasn't fully against the wall.

"Yeah, really! I'm a normal person too!" She resorted, earning him a darting glare. "But, I've never told anyone this, not even Rosé." She explained, and Ten's heartbeat suddenly quickened, him still clueless to why. "Back when I was in Thailand, I had a crush on my best friend..."

"You were lesbian back in Thailand?" Ten questioned.

"No, dumbass! My best friend was a dude!" She corrected him, slapping his arm hardly. Now, she was really contemplating weather to even tell him anymore. "His name was Kunpimook Bhuwakul, but I nicknamed him as Bambam. After a few years of being best friends, I soon realized I had strong feelings for him, a feeling you shouldn't feel towards a friend..." She explained.

"I remembered watching movies with him as a kid, and baking various stuff. While we were roaming the beach together, I watched him play by the shore, admiring every feature from afar. I figured out I had really fallen in love with him, and continued to stay quiet, not really knowing if he had felt the same." Ten stayed silent, just listening to her story.

"But, one day, I had gotten the news, that Bambam had caught a serious sickness out of nowhere. It broke my heart, but I stayed strong just as he said. I wasn't allowed to see him or talk to him at all, since he was always at home on his bed. The curiousity and worry was killing me, so I snuck into his house to see him."

"When I did, the sight was so unbearable. I had never seen him in that state before, he's always been a bubbly and joking boy— how could a sickness come out of nowhere? I tried talking to him, but he wouldn't respond, I panicked and told his mother that he wasn't waking up, even if that meant I would have gotten in trouble for sneaking in."

"That day, my best friend had died, and ever since, my thoughts have changed about the world. How could the world take someone from me that I cared much about, someone who was such an angel, and awesome person to be around. After that incident, I was depressed, and my parents thought it would be best if we had left Thailand and moved to Korea." Lisa's tears had already fallen during her story telling. "That's why I'm here." She finished, turning to look at Ten, who was in complete shock.

"Oh my gosh, Lisa. I, I didn't know you were hurting this much. I would have never said mean jokes or tease you in anyway." Ten apologized, putting his arm around her shoulder to pull her closer to him. She started to sob quietly in his arms.




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