• F I V E •

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» ROSÉ P.O.V. «

I still can't get what happened at the game out of my head. Was he singing high school musical? What's up with him? He's so weird. I swear everyone on the basketball team needs to get some help, especially Jaehyun. Since he scared me at my locker, I'm gonna scare him back. I quietly ran up behind his open locker as he was getting his stuff for class. Right when he closed it he flinched and dropped his books.

"Ha! I scared you!" I exclaimed with a giant grin. Jaehyun sighed as he smiled, with his dimples.

"Haha" Jaehyun said sarcastically.

"What was that at the game? You watch high school musical?" I teased.

"Oh like you haven't!" Jaehyun replied, making me laugh.

"True, true" I said with a giggle. "Wait!" I exclaimed making Jaehyun turn to me. "Why am I being nice to you?" I asked myself aloud.

"Maybe we've gotten over our little arguments since we were younger? Maybe we can be friends?" Jaehyun replied making me scoff.

"No...Oh, I know! The yummy breakfast my parents made me this morning, that must've put me in such a good mood, that I'm actually nice to you." I said as I patted his back. "Okay, well I'm gonna go before I kiss you"

"Wait what?" I heard Jaehyun mumble, I just figured out what I had said. Holy shit.

"I meant before I miss class! I REALLY MEANT THAT!!" I yelled as I ran away.

» JISOO P.O.V. «

Okay, I know I totally talked off Yuta, but I still can't get him out of my head. What's wrong with me?! HES A FUCKBOI, HE'LL NEVER LOVE YOU!!

"Preach" I heard Jennie mumble as she took a bite of her pasta.

"I talked outloud again, didn't I?" I asked, Jennie nodded in response as she continued to chew her gum. "That means I yelled at the top of my lungs too?"

"Yup, everybody thinks you're weird." Jennie replied making me pout, and lay my head on the library desk. "But don't worry, I don't think you're weird. I think you're stupid, pretty, but stupid." Jennie said in a teasing tone, making me scoff. "Should've listened to me.." Jennie said referring to what happened when Yuta said he wanted to quote, quote, talk to me.

"Yeah, yeah, now can we not talk about that ever again?" I replied, Jennie just shrugged, as she pulled out her phone. "I thought we weren't supposed too have our phones out?" I questioned.

"Well, no ones watching us?" Jennie replied.

"You're right, the librarian sleeps like 24/7 until she hears something loud." I said as we both looked over at her at her desk.

"Is she even alive?" Jennie questioned making us both laugh.

"Laugh number 3."


"Laugh number 3. I made you laugh three times." I replied with a smile.

"You keep count?" Jennie questioned, with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course, do you how hard it is to make you smile or anything that has to with happiness?" I replied with mocking eyes.






"EEEHHHH" We kept going back and forth until we couldn't go higher.

"SHHHHHHH!!!" The librarian yelled/shhhed us, making us both flinch at the same time.

"Well, at least we know she's alive" Jennie whispered, making me attempt to silently chuckle.

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