• T E N •

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(Lol I'm funny ^^)


I wonder why Lisa has been avoiding me– you know, more than usual. Is she mad? What did I do?...why do I care? I shouldn't. I don't. I never did. What are you talking about? I never said anything!! Stop looking at me like that!!

"Yah. Ten, are you done with your mid-life crisis yet?" Johnny asked, making me realize I was just freaking out mentally, but on the outside. 

"Yea.." I replied trying to act like I knew what exactly as going on.

"Okay, well, that one girl that you like is over by the bleachers." I immediately looked over at the bleachers and saw Lisa, making me flush madly.

"I don't like her!" I denied trying to look away so he won't see my flustered cheeks. I started walking her way without even thinking. Once we made eye contact, it was like time had slowed down, a smile played on my lips. Suddenly time went normal, and a girl was shoved in my face.

"Hi oppa...." I looked at her face, and noticed that it was the new girl named Guitar. I smiled trying to be friendly. "Umm...do you have time to teach me how to throw a basketball?" She asked with slight aegyo in her tone, making me cringe slightly. 

"Maybe another time." I assured as I looked over at the bleachers to see Lisa not there. I immediately looked around anxiously. Luckily she was just by the exit. I quickly maybe slightly shoved Guitar aside and ran towards Lisa. "Lisa!" I yelled, but she didn't turn making me frown, but I still made my way to her. When I was close enough I pulled her shoulder to face me. When she did, I noticed her down expression. 

"Yeah?" She said avoiding eye contact. Then I noticed her hair color.

"Hey, you dyed you hair!" I commented pointing to her hair, she just nodded in response. "I like it." I said as I tried to stop myself from smiling like an idiot. She just nodded again. Is she...giving me the silent treatment? "Why aren't you talking?" I asked, my voice raising slightly. I heard Lisa's breath hitch.....it's not creepy. 

"What are you talking about? I'm talking right now." She protested making me bite the inside of my cheeks. I looked up at her with an raised eyebrow.

"Let's settle this in a basketball game. Whoever wins, gets free lunch tomorrow. And if you don't accept, I'll give you the silent treatment as well." I suggested with a smirk plastered on my face. Lisa laughed slightly before looking at me in the face finally.

"But you're gonna win, and I'm poor..." Lisa said with a pouty face. For some reason I don't like it when girls try to act cute in front of me, but when Lisa does aegyo I just wanna squish her cheeks. I just looked around silently, giving her the hint that I'm now gonna give her the silent treatment. "Okay, okay. Challenge accepted." Lisa said as she shook my hand. I smiled widely as I ran towards the basketball court with Lisa following me. I grabbed the ball and threw the ball at Lisa carelessly. She caught it immediately looking at me in outer shock.


"You seriously want to play? Okay, but I've actually been practicing, so there's a 50/50 chance I'll win." Lisa said attempting to make me feel scared. I pretended like I was scared. When she tried to make a three pointer, it just basically just flew into my arms. When I got it, I had a rush of playfulness go over me. I smirked as I ran away with the ball. Lisa was frozen for a second before running after me. Laughters and footsteps could be heard through the hallways. The feeling felt so luxurious, the moment felt so luxurious. I just didn't want the feeling and moment to go away, I wanted it to forever be in my procession. Suddenly I was swept off my feet, and was held in the air by my collar. I turned to my right and saw Lisa in the same position. We both looked at the culprit sumitaneously, it was none other than the principle.

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