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Small water droplets started pouring down. The more they fall, the harder the rain gets. Everyone was desperately running, seeking for shelter.

I, on the other hand, stayed where I am. I thought how my mood surely fits this weather. I was drenched and I didn't care the slightest bit. I wasn't bothered, what bothers me right now is my heart clenching.

"I can't stay in this relationship anymore, Yoongi." She said in a sorrowful tone. I can't believe this. She's breaking up with me because I was too focused on work?

"This is stupid." I exasperatedly sigh, rubbing my temple to ease the headache. I didn't want to deal with this right now.

"Yoongi. Work is all you do right now. You barely even put your attention on me. Is this really a healthy relationship?" Her facial expression shows how weary she is, obviously stressed out. "I don't feel comfortable with you anymore. Let's break this off, we're not meant to be."

I looked up at the grey dull sky, her words lingering in my mind, shattering me into sharp pieces. I left her place without uttering a single word, afraid I'd say something that was not meant to be said. I knew she was cheating on me. I was in anguish, yet I couldn't bring myself to break it off with her. Did I really deserve this? Who am I kidding, with a broken family, how did I expect to make a better one myself?

I tried so hard to keep the relationship going. Holding onto her for so long made it hard for me to let go. She was all that I had. My family, my friends, all of them gone. The moment I told my family that I'd pursue music as my career, they were too quick to judge. They were disappointed to the point that they didn't accept me. I was merely following my passion. With that passion in mind, we had a quarrel and I ended up being kicked out because of the harsh words that I said. Such a pity, such a shame that I couldn't be the perfect son they wanted me to be. 

My friends judged me too. All of them were pursuing to become an engineer, a doctor, a dentist, or a businessman. I didn't quite fit in nor was I interested in keeping up with them, reaching out my hand to empty air.

On the other hand, she accepted me for who I am. She loved the way I was self-driven into something I truly loved doing, yet it's the reason why she left me.

What is so bad about music?

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt the raindrops stopped falling on my face and shriveling body. I looked up to see an umbrella.

"You shouldn't be out here under the rain."

I glared at the man who was holding out the umbrella for me, protecting me from getting wet than I already am. This is pointless.

Why does he care? 

I didn't care about this man or what his intentions are so I stepped out of the shield and comfort the umbrella was giving me and walked away from him. I was striding too fast, not caring where I'd end up to until I heard a loud honk and my body being thrown off.

"What the hell?!" I screamed.

The man on me panted heavily as he looked down at my pitiful existence. The umbrella was long gone and the water on his hair was trickling down my face.

"Do you want to die?!" He shouted over the loud rain, wind gushing his hair. I must admit, he has looks as an angel.

I pushed him off of me harshly, not bothering if I hurt him or not.

"I just saved your life, risking my own. And this is how you repay me?" He chided, pulling his eyebrows in together, forming a frown. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Thanks." I grumbled, sincerely yet the look on his face screams "Do you really mean it?".

He stood up from the ground, disregarding my attitude since he sighed and said, "I'm Park Jimin." 

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