"Hey, I'm Tyler Henningway." He shakes it and gives me a look telling me I'm gonna have to explain sometime.

"So, your trying to get my 'wife' to cheat on me?" I ask, trying to collect myself. My minds spinning with every memory I've pushed away since I left Pennslivania.

**Flashback- 6 years ago**

I just moved in with my dad, because my mom needed 'time to herself'. He lived with his friend, Annie henningway, who had a kid my age named Tyler. We were both 10, almost 11.

"Hi, I'm Tyler."

"Hi, I'm Chase. Got any video games?"

"Yeah, lets play Call Of Duty."

And we played. We became good friends and always hung out. Until Damian moved into town. He was a thug, you could tell by his looks. Tyler thought he was the coolest kid ever, and started ditching me for him. He got into drugs and all that crap I couldn't stand.

One day, I decided to tell him.

"Uh, Tyler, it's not cool to do this crap. Drugs can mess up your mind. And you don't look cool, either."

"SHUTUP, GOD. I HATE YOU, YOUR A FREAKING A-HOLE." Tyler screamed as he popped a pill.

"Tyler, stop." I tried grabbing the pills from his hand. He punched me in the face, and thats how the fight started. I threw a rock at him, landing right above his left eyebrow. Then, all I remember was blacking out.

Tyler shot me. In my thiegh, so nothing terrible was done. But I moved home the next month, and started school here.

**End of flashback**

"Yeah, shes pretty sexy." He smiles slyly at me.

"Yeah, I'll lay you out if you touch her." I say aggressively. He looks from me to her, and realizes somethings going on between us.

"Oh, are you two dating?"

"No." Micky quickly answers, getting red.

"Yeah, just friends." I add.

"Then, may the best man win." He mumbles only to me.

"What?" Micky asks, but Tyler just waves away her question and smirks at me.

McKenna's POV;

All day Chase has been hovering over me, more then usual. "Chase, you need to calm down!"

"Well, now that my 'wife' is cheating on me, she should feel really guilty." He winks at me.

"Oh, shutup. I hate the guy as much as you do." I lightly hit his chest. I remember when I actually thought I could hurt him. It's lunchtime and I've avoided Tyler as much as possible. Dodged all of his questions and let the cheerleaders attack him. Chase steers me into his lunchgroup and I spot Jack. Stupid, annoying, creeper Jack.

"Can't we just sit somewhere together?" I whisper in fear. I look up to see a smirking Chase.

"Well of course. You know, you fall in love way too fast."

"Uhm, you actually think I'd fall in love with you? Your funny." I retort.

"Yeah, whatever you say, Micky. Do you want to come over tonight, meet my mom and sister?" He asks and I drop my mouth open. Doesn't that mean something? I never had a real boyfriend, so I have no clue how this works.

"ChaCha, did you just ask me on a date?" I laugh a little while he just smirks.

"Haha, you could say that."

This all started with a parkingspace, I'm not supposed to fall in love!Where stories live. Discover now