chapter 9

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As Hayden walked out the door and I sat down for dinner I couldn't help but start to feel a little lonely. I hadn't t been alone since Friday so sue me!

"Leo!" I yelled running to my bedroom "Are you hungry?" I asked him. I needed someone to eat with and I hadn't seen him all weekend. "Please don't ignore me Leo. I know I shouldn't have left you here, but I met some really cool people and they want to take care of us Leo isn't that awesome! I couldn't pass up that opportunity!"

He rolled his eyes at me, but I knew he agreed I made Leo a plate and set him at his special chair to tell him about my weekend.

"Now Hayden wants me to look up what a caregiver is." I said to him. "Don't look at me like that Leo, I know I shouldn't have lied but I didn't know how to tell her the truth! I don't even know why I'm listening to you." I huffed "If your not going to give me any good idea's than I'm just gonna leave you here."

I stormed away leaving Leo and my dinner at the table, except it only took me about 2 minutes to feel guilty for leaving Leo like that. "I'm sorry Leo." I said as I walked back to the table. "Lets brainstorm solutions." I didn't want to tell Hayden and Dana that I knew what to expect in the relationship between a caregiver and a little the whole time, that seemed the worst way to start off our relationship. So I had to think of something good to say the problem was I couldn't come up with anything and it was really starting to stress me out.

By the end of dinner I was pacing back and forth in front of Leo and things weren't looking so good. "Tink, tink, tink eo. We have to come up wit someting!" I said. This was the first time that I had ever been little by myself and in the back of my mind I knew that something felt different but I didn't know what it was. "aaaah! Dis is so dumb. We in so much troub'o." I said with big eyes.

I looked at the bracelet on my wrist and remembered what Hayden had told me about pressing it if I was ever little again. I was scared to hit it because I knew we were gonna be in trouble for lying. Leo keeps trying to back out and say he wasn't involved but I would totally have his back! I'm still deciding if I want to press the button when all of a sudden my phone rings and I look down at my hands to see that I accidentally pressed the button. I gasp, betrayal!

"hewwo" I say holding the phone up to my ear, but nobody answers as it keeps ringing. "hewwo Ayden and Dana." I said into the phone Leo shrugs as it keeps ringing.

A few minutes pass before the phone starts ringing again but Leo and I can't figure out how to answer it so we just leave it on the table and go into my room to color.

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