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Hello my lovely and extremely patient friends. I hope this message finds you well and this update didn't get you too excited and then extremely disappointed.
1st I want to apologize for not updating for the past year! (Has it really been that long 😬)
2nd I want to explain just a little bit. I have struggled with mental health things basically my whole life but this past summer I took a major turn in the wrong direction. I ended up in my local mental health hospital for about 3 weeks (both in and out patient) and while that majorly helped I still had and have a lot of things I have to work through.
During this major low in my life I lost all interest in almost everything I usually love doing. In the past writing has brought me great joy, but during the past yearish I have had no interest in picking up my laptop.
I am just now starting to find joy in reading and writing again and I am very excited. Updates are probably not going to be regular because I can only write for a short period of time before I get distracted or lose interest again but I am getting there and that feels fantastic.
Please feel free to message me if you want to talk to me about anything. If I've learned one thing in the last couple months it's that it feels amazing to talk to people who understand you when you're struggling.
Please be patient with me as I finish up the next chapters and get them posted, I hope to get them up soon! It's good to be back!

You, Me, and RileyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ