64. A Word with Divergent

Start from the beginning

What happened in one second?

"Come get in." She announced passing me to head inside.

My frown deepened almost merging both my brows.

Kids and their weirdness these days!

Heaving a resigned breath, I stood and turned to follow her, in my action, I felt something stirred in darkness.

A Shadow!


Instincts kicked as I turned completely revolving on my axis searching the darkness far away. The lights were sufficient in Jerry's lawn but the wide open jungle had no source of light apart from the faint twilight of moon that too was unable to penetrate the dense shed of trees on land.

I squinted in the darkness; to perceive and clarify what I saw moments ago.

The temperature was increasing like the gates of Antarctica have been open straight here. The grip of my arms tightened around me as I took a step toward the direction of jungle instinctively. The grass beneath me felt like frozen needles pricking to my bare foot in absence of slippers.

"Aunt Bambi!" I heard Tiara's urgent voice calling me, but the uneasiness in me increased as I wanted to clarify my doubt.


Apart from murk, I found nothing!

How shall I search shadows in murk when they itself born and blend in darkness.

With one curious alert glance with a desire to penetrate the darkness; I sweep my gaze around.

Receiving blank darkness; I left the thought in the darkest corner of my mind before turning back at Tiara's direction.

The child stood impatient on the toes waiting for me to accompany her inside.

Everything was fine but the alertness in her eyes was stating a complete new story.

Has something happened?

Taking Tiger's awaiting arm, I turned to head back inside but uneasiness was knocking in my subconscious mind.

I turned over my shoulder into darkness of night once again. Only the deep murk greeted me, Tiger was tugging at my arm in urgency but my instincts said otherwise.

"Come Aunt Bambi. I'm sleepy now." I frowned at Tiger's statement.

In a minute she is sleepy from wide awake.

"Yes, let's go." I shook my head; shaking off the uneasy thought.

Nothing and no one is there.

This shadow, this presence is just my imagination.

Its hallucination my dear!

Taking this thought in mind we rushed inside as the eccentric change in temperature; I didn't want any of us to catch this eccentric cold.

I closed the door softly not wanting to attract Jerry's attention and invite his scolding as mid night snacks.

My heart skipped a beat at mid night snacks!

Shooting off the thought; we made our way to bed; Tiger kept a strong grip on my hand.

Putting her to bed, I allowed her to wonder back in the valley of slumber but her eyes were side awake in complete alertness.

"Now you're not sleepy?" I rose my brow asking.

She smiled shaking her head before closing her eyes; deep lines marring her forehead.

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