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I would like to thank my sister for her continued belief in my work, my best friends for sticking by my side, my family, @trista-for giving me a gorgeous cover, and of course, you guys. :) If you're reading this, it means you've come to the end of my book. It means you've read my words and stuck with me through this journey, and hung on to the very end. To that, I say thank you, a million times from the bottom of my heart. It's readers like you that motivate me to write and share my art.

I am not sure what it's like for most people, but writing is not something that I can do for long expanses of time. Unlike other writers, I can't sit in front of my computer for eight hours, words flowing from my fingertips. This book, from it's very first form (a Twilight Fanfiction that you can access here:, took me more than two years to write and cultivate. I managed to finish this book last summer by forcing myself to sit down and write, and delegating the number of chapters I had to write every day. I love writing, but finishing a book has never been easy for me. This is the first full-length novel I've ever completed. 

With that said, I want to thank everyone for every read, every vote, every review. Originally, I wrote this book under the name of 'i hate you, i love you' on my second account: @czellen, but since it was in the middle of the school year, school got in the way and I updated less and less. I decided to withdraw the novel from my profile after a few months, and worked on writing a completed version. This book was my life in summer 2018, and I can say that I'm happy with my product, and I'm so happy that you guys are too :) My numbers aren't the highest, but after completing the book, those were no longer my main motivation. Developing my craft and sharing it with the world was what spurred me to keep releasing chapters every few days. 

I know towards the end my update schedule wasn't as regular, and I'm sorry for that. Highschool has been one of the busiest times of my life, but the school year is almost over :) I have another story in the works, though I'm not sure of its completion date. This summer will be extremely busy for me, so I can't promise that I will be publishing a new story. But I have this one and the memories that come with it, and for now, that's good enough. :)

I do have plans of publishing Cosmos, though I'm not sure on the method. Currently, I'm editing it once more and adding in other details before sending it to some publishing companies. I might also self-publish on Kindle! Who knows ... we'll just have to see where this journey takes us.

Aaron and Asher have been living inside my head for a long, long time. It's such an honor to share them and their story with you. I'm so thankful for Wattpad for providing a domain to let young writers share their craft, and grow and develop with it. It has been an honor to share my little story with you all, and I hope this isn't the end of our journey together. 

For now, safe travels. X


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