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Hey, wanna hit the beach? I heard some news that a certain Aaron Blakely and Chris Perry will be there ...

Chloe's text does one of two things – first, it seals my plan to find out if I'm just some temporary shoulder to cry on, and second, it's a promise that Chloe is completely fine with my new acquaintance to Aaron. Though she was supportive enough at lunch the other day, I didn't want to press my limits. Today's visit to the beach and Aaron's presence is a green flag – however, one that could soon turn to red.

Chloe pulls up into my driveway ten minutes later, the hood of her convertible pushed down. Though it's October, the town closely borders California, and it's a short drive to their sunny, blue beaches.

As I approach her car, Chloe tips down her sunglasses. She inspects me carefully, looking horrified. "Asher Thomas, are you wearing a one piece?!"

I shrug. "Might be hard to pee in, but-"

"No," Chloe says, her voice ringing with finality. She whips open the door of her car and marches towards me, sunglasses pushed to the top of her head. "You, my friend, are changing. Right now." She begins dragging me back to the house, all the way up to my room, where she starts rooting through my closet with renewed determination. "Aaron Blakely is going to be there," she says. "If there's one thing that an ex-girlfriend would love, it's for him to be drooling over her best friend, who keeps him in the friend zone." Chloe stops, digging out the strappy bikini we bought one month ago. She grins, holding it out to me. "Please?"

Wordlessly, I accept the scraps of clothing from her. There's no point in arguing. "Next time I'm wearing swimming trunks," I say with a roll of my eyes.

"Not on my watch," Chloe chides. She's sporting a tiny white bikini with golden ringlets. Her hair is effortlessly piled on top of her head, the wisps held back by her heart-shaped sunglasses. "Don't be long!" She yells as I open the door to my bathroom. "I don't know when Chris is going to be there!"

I'm tempted to spend extra long changing, but truthfully, I want to find out if I can trust Aaron as soon as possible. Like ripping off a Band-Aid, I'm used to rejecting others. I've had practice, and Aaron might just be one more person in a list of many.

Once I've figured out how to pull on the suit, I put on my cotton shorts and t-shirt. Chloe pulls me out the door, races me to her car, than peels out the driveway. I'm not sure why I always let Chloe drive, but she adores haphazardly careening through the streets while blasting Brittany Spears. Today is no different.

We're pulling up to the beach in seconds, possibly because Chloe doesn't want to waste any time with her new beloved. As soon as she sets the car in park, she whips open her bag and grabs her towel, dragging me out of my seat and running down the beach. She lets out an excited laugh as we tumble down the turf, catching herself before she lands on her face in the sand.

We spot Aaron and Chris by the water, surrounded by a gang of boys. Chloe lays out her towel, measuring the distance between us and them precisely, then lays back and puts her shades back on. I lay out my own towel next to hers, proceeding to open an umbrella and prop it over our heads.

"Luring the prey in, huh?" I chuckle, laying down next to her.

"Just wait," Chloe hums. Her glossy lips tilt into a grin. "I'm guessing five minutes, tops."

Sure enough, not long after we've gotten comfortable, Chris begins jogging over to us. I notice Aaron still standing with the other boys, squinting through the sunlight. He has a tank top on, and I force myself not to stare, turning away to grab my book.

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