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Weightless. This is what it must feel like to be an angel, drifting through the air, the blue planet in the distance.

The astronaut pushes himself to the window, pressing his hands against the cool glass. The galaxy is a world of pitch-black, the background of a spinning blue globe, the epitome of beauty and life. White mists of cloud swim across the surface, shading the green continents with gauzy gossamer. The continents erupt from a sea of blue, plates of yellow and green and brown, blending and mixing. The astronaut is at a loss for words, so enraptured in his awe.

In the distance, he hears his captain's voice. "There's something wrong with the connector line ... very minor ..."

He should be worried. The astronaut is having his spacewalk in a few hours. But the beauty of the cosmos, the nature of the universe ... it is breath taking, and it steals his full attention. Nothing can compare. Nothing can remotely associate with it.

The woman drifts over to float beside him, equally in awe. She does not say anything – the two of them hover in front of the window, drinking in the astonishing sight.

Somehow, in the background, the astronaut manages to decode the captain's words.

"Do you still want to do your spacewalk?"

His mind blanks. Is this a question? The astronaut will do anything, any deed to get closer to this magnificent world.

"Yes." He says this without hesitation, and without worry.

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