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Sometime later, at 8 pm, I shoot Aaron a text. I'm coming over.

His reply is instantaneous, and it's as if my phone is magnetized by his happiness, conducting itself to me. Can't wait! Sorry to burst your bubble, but no Full House tonight.

Couldn't be happier. X

The drive to his house is quick – probably faster than it should be, since my foot feels like a deadweight on the gas pedal, but the aspect of spending the night in a boy's arms (conscious) sends a delicious tingle through my nerves. My adrenaline is rushing, perhaps even more heightened then when I jumped the waterfall.

Aaron's waiting on his doorstep for me, smiling broadly as I pull into his driveway. Immediately after I kill the engine, I grab my bag from the passenger seat and run up to meet him. The house is unusually silent, with the rest of the family gone, but somehow, Aaron makes it seem even more alive.

"I would get mad at you for making me wait for your response for so long, but you here changes all that." Aaron opens his arms wide, burying me into his chest. His hold is strong, cheek resting against the top of my head. Home. "Come on in, you."

Aaron leads me up to his bedroom first, where he sets my bag on his king-sized bed. "Don't worry," he says, winking. "I had the sheets sanitized."

"Thank God." I mask my hesitation with a teasing smile, but I propel myself out of the room faster than a normal girl should have. If I were anyone else, even a boy, I would have stayed in that bed for the rest of the two days, but instead, I find myself boasting that I have more board games than I can count.

Aaron doesn't question it, and joins me on the living room floor without a thought. "I have a bag of chips," he says devilishly. "Family sized."

"You badass!" I tease, giving him a high-five. He laughs aloud, making my body hum. "They're in the cupboard, with the rest of the shit you've got me hooked on."

Moments later, we're locked in a heated battle of Monopoly, surrounded by an array of cookies and candy. Aaron has downed all the M&M's, and is moving onto the Skittles. He claims he can fit the entire bag into his mouth, and he lives up to his words.

What surprises me even more, however, is when he wins our Monopoly game when our hour is up. "Not fair," I gasp, eyes ogling at the stack of cash on his side of the board. "You rigged that."

"Did not," Aaron shoots back. "I am a man of my word."

I shake my head in disbelief. "There is nothing on this planet I can beat you at."

Aaron pauses, looking around the house. "I can think of something." His eyes light up. "Wait here and clean this up?"

"How sexist," I drawl, stacking up the bills.

By the time he returns, I've neatly arranged all the bills and returned the game to the rest of the mountainous stack behind me. Under both arms, Aaron slings two gigantic, neon-orange Nerf guns.

He waggles his brow, holding one out to me. "War?"

My response comes without a second thought. "You're on." With a smirk, I grab the gun he holds out to me. "No safe-zones. Stay in the house."

"Got it. Five seconds, and the game starts."

I hold out a hand, tipping my head. "I do hope you can cope with the humiliating loss you're about to receive, Blakely."

Aaron opens his mouth to say something with big words, but closes his lips and arrogantly slaps my palm. "Likewise."


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