The girls night out!!! TGIF

Start from the beginning

We ate quickly because we had to attend the tour for the new M

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We ate quickly because we had to attend the tour for the new M.A students in school later in the day.

The tour had me gasping for breath literally. I don't remember the last time I felt this tired.
I looked around and saw Lenore fanning herself  with a book cover. She looked tired too.
It's been hours of walking and talking and something else I probably micro napped through.
It was evening already
"Thank goodness"  I muttered under my breath.
Lenore and I got together and on our way out, We saw Sophia coming out of the administrative building towards the car park.

"That's Sophia"  Lenore said.
We were still contemplating on hitching a ride with her or not when she got closer "Hey sofia" 
I watched her turn around and she looked genuinely happy  when she recognises us.
you guys look great.
I know I haven't seen you guys in a long time because I've been so busy and occupied with a lot of things"
"I'm sorry she mouthed"

"It's fine Sophia,
Actually, I'm glad"
She looked confused and I continued "you've been so helpful and honestly  I had begin to wonder if you had time for yourself"
She gave Lenore and I the Awwwww.
It lasted for so long I had to cut in.
We all laughed.
"You were not bothering me or anything like that. I'm always happy to help whenever you need me.
So, are you guys heading home?
We both nodded.
"well,  jump in".

Sofia made us talk about all the stuffs we've been doing these past weeks.
Lenore was doing most of the talking and I was doing more of yawning and nodding.

"What do you say we go grab a couple of drinks today it's friyay!!! TGIF!!.
It's no secret Sofia likes to have a good time when she gets the chance.

"that sounds like a great idea." Lenore said.
"I could use the break" I added.
She pulled up in front of our apartment some moments later.
"alright girls I'll come pick you up around 8:00pm.
Be ready"
And she drove off.


I wore a white jean, a black tank top and a leather jacket with knee length boots.
I put on some makeup and had on a bright red lipstick.
Lenore looks so beautiful in her short black dress and her boots.
her hair is styled in a half fringe.
We were ready.
My phone rang  and I checked the caller  ID
"it's Sophia, she's here already let's go"  I called out to Lenore.
We got to the car and Sophia gave us the 'I wanna rock at the dance floor right now look'
This was accompanied by the BITCH BETTER HAVE MY MONEY blasting from the radio station.
We started singing along and screaming on top of our voices.
like damn girls it's Friday!!!)))🔥🔥🔥
We pulled over at the bar and Sofia ordered three tequila shots.
I watched as they both gulped down the contents of their drink;
they both looked at me,
"OMG you don't take alcohol? Sofia asked
And Lenore nodded.
"I wanted to tell you back at home but I did not want to kill the party vibe"
"It's fine"  Sophia said  and Lenore had a mischievous smile on her face.
"But you know there's a day for everything so you have to do it"
I knew she was up to something.
Both girls started chanting my name
I closed my eyes and poured the the tequila down my throat.  It burned a little but ur wasn't all that bad.
We took selfies and asked some guys to take a few shots of us.
We orderd more drinks, the party officially  just got started.  Sofia was already dancing 😁
We saw some guys looking at us and Lenore winked at one of them.
a dark curled hair,Muscles all up in my face kinda dude.  She has a thing for dark haired guys.
" I'm going over there" she said.
She didn't wait for us to talk her out of it.
A few steps and she was there already.
I can see her talking to them and as soon as she stopped,
The other guy  made his way towards me.

I know that Lenore might have told him something. She does not listen.
"He's coming towards our direction and I guess he's looking at you"... Sophia whispers into my ear and I gave her the No way  look. I was already feeling tipsy and I did not want to waste my time or anybody else's.
"Hey, I'm Liam"and you'rrrrrre? He sounds drunk stretching his words for no reason.
Poor alphabets. 😂
"I'm Chisimdi"
I brought my hand for a handshake, and he grabbed it in a hurry.
Sophia had the effrontery to  wink at me and excused herself.
"Remind me to kill you later I whispered to her and she burst out laughing.

Liam kept on talking mostly about himself and I was so bored.
I told him I needed to make use of the restroom and I wasted a hell lot of time thinking that by the time I'm out,  he wouldn't be there.
But Oh no.  Not talk me to sleep Liam.
He looked so grub standing with his hands akimbo, while talking to the bartender, 'who looked uninterested if you ask me'.
I pitied him.

I know I wasn't ready to go back to him and I don't want to sound rude to him.
I just had to do something.
Lenore was nowhere to be found and Sofia was probably dancing in the crowd.

I sat down in a separate lounge.
obviously for the VIP, but I did not see anyone in there and no one stopped me from coming in here, so why the hell not.  I tell myself this as I kept scanning around to see if Liam could see me from the counter. I could not chance it,  so I moved in more;
I quickly turned around when I heard someone clear his throat.
It took a while for me to make out his frame cause it's like darker than the rest of the room and the dance lights has messed with my sight.
I saw a guy. ~Scratch that~
I saw a Man,  with dirty blonde hair
A muscular body  obviously built for the wrestling ring.
I could see his muscles through the white shirt he's wearing which I concluded would have cost a fortune.
He had dark eyes or was it Hazelnut?
But they drew me towards him
It was almost as if I was in a trance.
His lips were a perfect pink.
"Oh my"
I felt flushed everywhere.
He's a true definition of a Greek god!!!!💯💯 in a tan body.

"What are you doing here"? He sounds angry.
I started to babble...

"I'm so sorry,
but I'm trying to run away from some guy and so I came in here "
He has on a ( I do not care if you're running away from Hades himself, you have no right to be here kinda look.)
This was replaced by a "Does she even have the slightest idea who she's talking to,
how dare she come to my table uninvited?" look..
In conclusion,  He was all shades of arrogance and I honestly wasn't having none of it,  not this night atleast.

I was still looking back to see if Liam had seen me and I can see him scanning the room for me.  I start to feel bad for ditching him but I had another matter on ground. And I cleared my throat and hoped I do not sound as confused as I feel.
Tonight was supposed to be fun but instead it got burdened by two annoying men who feel cause they're Men,  they can talk or act however they like.
Lol. This was not the case, but I was already on fire and I needed to Burn something.

"Hey mister
don't think I'm a hooker or some of those girls who thrall around you.
I just came here to hide from someone"
I knew I was talking too much but I was already angry or confused or was it both?

"what's so special about you huh? Answer me!"
I wonder how I looked like creating an unnecessary scene but I didn't mind.
I'll blame it on the tequila later.
I hear him say something about not needing a hooker and not ordering for one

"you're not my type Mr and There's nothing special about you I say this in the grossest voice possible  and with a satisfied smirk on my face

I can tell he is not happy with me or my woman issues.
"In your face Hah.
I don't care". I'm totally blaming this on the tequila.

His face hardens and I can see the veins on his face pulse in anger.
I made a move to leave but before I did,
I bend over and whisper

"learn how to treat a lady.
Or maybe you've never had the pleasure to be around one. But If this is how you
address people around, it'll be a wonder if you ever have friends.
I don't look anything like the women you're used to and I never will be.

It felt so good strutting out and leaving him looking so dumbfounded.
I hope my advice sinks in, cause that attitude is INTOLERABLE.

I still couldn't find Sophia and Lenore anywhere and I texted them to meet me outside and that I wanna go home.
I was so tipsy and I don't want to do anything else I'll regret in the morning.

They got out some minutes later, they were wasted as I was. Lenore and Sofia kept drawing me into a drunken hug.
"I called an uber" I said.

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