“I thought of the name,” Peter grinned, and his annoyance instantly disappeared. “We can keep doing that, you know. Everyday, before and after school. We can distract him while you run.”

Caelum stared at Peter, both in awe and grateful. Caelum didn't know what to say at first. He opened his mouth to speak, but a different voice spoke. “Mister Forest.” It felt like ice grew up his spine. He didn't turn around, already knowing who was standing there. His anger could have lit a room on fire. “Surely, you didn't forget our meeting this morning.” The late bell rang, and it dragged him out of his daze.

Caelum turned to go with him, but Peter grabbed his arm, “Sorry Principal Davis. That's the bell, we really ought to be in class.” Before Caelum or the Principal could protest, Peter yanked him way. His force nearly sending Caelum off his feet as he ran for the other end of the school. They made it to their homeroom, Ned trailing behind them. Their teacher, Mrs. Dowdy, didn't look pleased at all.

Caelum stepped forward before she could demand a late slip. “I apologize for put tardiness, Mrs. Dowdy. We were held up in the office, I wanted to give the staff and all my favourite teachers late Christmas gifts.”

She rose an eyebrow, shocked and pleased, Caelum looked in her eyes and blinked.

He was now the older woman, flustered by Caelum's words. “Why, thank you. Go sit down, I'll speak with you after class.” Caelum blinked again, and regained his composure.

“Thank you, Mrs. Dowdy, I really appreciate it,” he moved to go sit down. Peter and Ned looked a bit surprised, but neither said a word.

The class of students watched the exchange, both confused and stunned. Mrs. Dowdy was known to be a harsh disciplinarian all throughout the school. The rumor that Caelum was in good graces with this woman would surely spark an uproar.

Ned leaned over to look at Caelum, “What just happened?” Ned asked as the class began. He was sitting on Peter’s right side. Caelum was on the end, and Peter was in the middle. Caelum shushed him lightly, not wanting to get in anymore trouble.

Peter spoke next, “What did you do to her?” Caelum wasn't expecting this question. Peter wasn't angry, he didn't think he was, at least. He just sounded confused, curious. Caelum straightened at the question.

“Nothing. I simply spoke,” Caelum replied. “If you keep speaking, you'll get us all in trouble. Now, both of you, hush!” That was the end of it. Peter and Ned dropped it, deciding that Caelum secretly had the entire faculty in his pocket ― which wasn't too far from the truth.

° · ° · ° · °

Principal Davis tried several times to grab Caelum, but Peter acted like a bodyguard and Ned a bouncer. He would talk to Principal Davis in public places so it made him look bad if he blew him off. Principal Davis was getting frustrated, anger blooming on his features, and Caelum didn't know whether to be amused, or terrified.

The end of the school day came. It was a Monday, so Caelum had track practice. Ned had to go home, but Peter offered to stay with him. Considering the day’s events and Principal Davis’ anger, Caelum didn't think it to be wise to ‘try him’.

Peter stood waiting in the gym watching as the track team ran their usual laps. It was still too cold and icy outside to run, but Coach Wilson wasn't letting that stop them. Caelum watched Peter, a part of him wanting to show off for the boy. Caelum ran fast, beating one of the fastest runners ― twice.

Coach Wilson was surprised, usually Caelum stayed behind, lagging and muttering under his breath. But, when Caelum truly gave it his all, he performed exponentially.

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