He pulled away from me, a boyish grin on his face. "You loved i-"

"Is it a deal or not?" I asked, bitting down on my bottom lip.

He chuckled. "Definite deal. One thousand percent."



I continued to spin around in my chair, throwing my stress ball up in the air.

It was official, the boredom was most definitely kicking in.

I was supposed to have a big conference call today, so I came into work. I also had a few things to sort out paper wise, but I'd done that as soon as I got here.

I looked down at my watch. 12:31 P.M.

My call was supposed to be at 12, obviously something had come up.

About the time I opened my drawer my phone chimed.

[From: Van]
Hey, Mr. King, so sorry about the conference call! Let's reschedule. Tomorrow, at 3 pm?

[To: Van]
Sounds good. Have a good one.

I placed my phone back down on my desk. I leaned back in my chair and puckered my lips out, sighing.

I picked my phone back up and scrolled to Adora's messages, cliking on them. The last message sent was this morning when I told her to stop by around one or two.

I went to my photos and found pictures on top of pictures of her. One I'd even taken last night, she was sitting on me with a sheer sheet covering her. My phone was really beginning to look like a teenager's, filled with pictures of my girlfriend.

I scrolled through the many pictures I had saved of her, sighing as I braced my elbows on my desk.

Pictures of her, pictures in lingerie, pictures in dresses, pictures in really anything.

And pictures of her in nothing, as well.

And they were all having an effect on me, as per usual.

I placed my phone down on my desk before things really got out of hand, rubbing my forehead.

My doors flew open and I looked over at them, furrowed brows when my receptionist walked in.

"U-uh, you have a visitor that's not taking no for an answer."

And in Catherine, my ex-assistant, strolled.

My eyebrows went into a light furrow. I was pissed , I didn't want to see her and I was surprised she wanted to see me, considering our last blowout more than six months ago.

"Hey, Santiago," she greeted, a smile on her face.

"I'll be back up," my receptionist mouthed, pointing towards the doors.

"Keep them open," I said, never breaking eye contact with Catherine.

She smiled and strutted over to my desk. I never stood up from my chair, an eyebrow cocked up at her.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped.

She smiled, eyebrows raised. "What's he doing here? Did he show up because I did, too? How precious."

I flexed my jaw muscle. "I asked you a question, answer it."

"I just wanted to stop by and see how you've been," she said, "no harm, is it a crime for friends to check up on eachother?"

"We're not friends. And let me tell y-"

"Am I interrupting something?"

I looked over at my doors, seeing Adora standing there, a confused look on her face.

Loving the Homewrecker (BOOK 3) Where stories live. Discover now