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All in the room was silent when Minho thrusted himself at Stiles and gave him a tight hug. "I swear, we can never have a quiet day with you around." he joked, Stiles laughed too along with the others in the room.

Scott's phone started ringing in his pocket and when he took it out the screen lit up with the name 'Liam'. He answered and began to discuss something that couldn't be worked out from only one half of the conversation.

As he took the phone away from his ear and tucked it back into his pocket, he said "Liam needs something down at the school, Stiles you go home and get some rest." and off he went out the door.

Back at home, Stiles collapsed into his bed and fell to sleep almost immediately. Sheriff Stilinski looked at him from the doorway and smiled before closing the door.

Once he arrived at the school, he met up swiftly with Liam who continuously talked all the way down the corridor.

He blabbered on, half making sense. "So we were here looking for Stiles you see, trying to catch a scent or something but i couldn't really focus in on anything so Newt got really angry and started... and then basically we found this."

They turned the corner and opened the door to a classroom. Everything, from floor to ceiling, was covered in red string. Scott walked slowly in stepping over string so as to not trip and fall. "This was Stiles alright. He uses red for unsolved cases."

"I know that's why I called. Stiles goes missing for who knows how long and this is what he does. It makes zero sense." Liam followed Scott into the middle of the room. Clumsily, he tripped up and fell flat on his face. "I'm okay." he shouted. As he began to push himself off the ground, he noticed something out of place under a chair. Somebody had written in sharpie pen on the floor, "It's happening again."

"Hey Scott." He yelled upwards, "You might want to see this too." Scott knelt down beside him and examined the writing. "What's happening again?" he whispered to himself, annoyed that he didn't understand.

"Oh Scott, I think you know what that means." A voice said from at the door. Simultaneously, Scott and Liam looked up to see Stiles stood there holding Newt by the neck.

"No!" Scott exclaimed, "No, no, no, no, not again." He stood up and looked Stiles in the eyes and could tell, he was void.

"Dear, oh dear Scott. You promised him." Stiles laughed, " You promised him you wouldn't let it happen again." He sighed, "But look at this, somebody broke their promise." He walked confidently towards the two teens, still having a tight grip on Newt, who shuffled helplessly forward with him.

"Now, if you two would just follow me." He led them to the corner of the room and opened the cupboard door, pushing the three of them inside. Liam attempted to resist pushing the door. "Uh, I wouldn't do that if I were you, Stiles might get hurt." And so Liam stepped back quietly.

"Ooh almost," Stiles giggled. He reached in and took their phones from out of their pockets, "Wouldn't want you calling for help." He slammed the door shut and locked it. The three could hear his footsteps as he walked slowly away.

"Now, are you shanks going to explain what the bloody hell is going on here!" Newt exclaimed.

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