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Hey guys. Sorry for being so inactive, I've been really busy with school and dance. I was asked to update by @Becky-G25 .However, I'm back now and I'm going to attempt to post a chapter at least every two days. So enjoy:

Sherriff Stilinski sprinted back into the office, looking quite frustrated and scared ."They're all gone! Stiles?" He didn't get a reply, he was gone too. No Stiles anywhere to be seen. "No, no, no, no!" the Sherriff wailed.

"I know where he is!" Scott's dad burst in out of the bathroom. Both of them immediately rushed out, into the Sheriff's car and sped away down the road.

"He said he was going to the bathroom but when I realised what he was doing I just missed him jumping out the window. Stiles is still clever, too clever. He got them all out but I know where he is going." he explained. "Where would Stiles go to hide in Beacon Hills? School. They always go to school to hide. And he'll go there without even knowing it."
* * * * *

Stiles and the others ran down the roads, they were very much used to running. "Thomas, where are we going?" Gally shouted trying to run faster than everyone else. Stiles didn't reply.

After turning one more corner, a school was in sight. "We can hide in there." Stiles panted, pointing to the school. Chuck asked "How do you know it's doors won't be locked?" running slower than everyone else.

"I just do."

A few minutes later, after breaking a few speed limits, Sheriff Stilinski and Mr McCall arrived at the school. Attempting to push the door open, they realised it was locked. "Stiles, son, I know you're in there. Please, open the door and we can work this out together." the Sheriff spoke in a soft yet loud voice.

To this, the door opened and a face unfamiliar to the them popped out. It was Stiles's friend Chuck. "You think he's crazy! And you're just going to lock us all up!"

The two men frowned, Mr McCall said "Listen, there was a meeting and due to the whole "keeping supernatural and crazy things a secret" rule, a cover story is in the making and you are all free of charges." As he said this, everyone else arrived at the door.

"So what now?" asked Stiles.

(Sorry for short chapter)

ReVoid (Teen Wolf X Maze Runner)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang