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Disclaimer- I don't own any of the characters/settings in this. All rights go to the makers of Teen Wolf and Maze Runner. This is just a fanfiction. I also brought some people back to life because I felt they were necessary to the plot.

Thomas lay on his bed, staring into the dark abyss of the endlessly black ceiling above him. It had been three months since he moved into this new place. All his thoughts and feelings came crashing down on him at once as though a ton of bricks had fallen onto his chest. He had escaped WCKD. No more mazes with horrible monsters, no more running, no more scorch, no more death.

He felt lucky to be alive. Not everyone had made it. Ben, Alby... innocent kids, dead. Some survived though. Newt, Minho, Gally, Chuck, Frypan, Teresa and Winston... he was glad that he still had them. Without them, he would have died before he even entered the Maze. He hadn't really taken into account any of it until he had the first free time that he had ever had that night.

As he thought about everything, his eyes became really heavy and droopy. It was only at that point he realised that he was tired. He needed a good night sleep. He rested his head into a comfier position on the pillow and waited until his eyelids flickered shut.

As he slept, he noticed how extremely comfortable his bed was today. He had a cushioning mattress, as many pillows as he could fit on the bed and finally, a large fluffy blanket to keep him warm. He slept.

He was with these people that he didn't recognise but for some reason they felt familiar to him. He saw himself killing people. He saw werewolves. He saw a girl, strawberry blond hair. Suddenly everything came flooding back at him. Stiles, his name was Stiles. He remembered everything.

He shot upright in bed, sweat pouring down his forehead. His heart felt like it was going to rip out his chest open and his throat dried up so much it felt he couldn't breathe. He wanted to scream but nothing came out of his mouth. He wanted to move but he couldn't even lift his finger off the mattress.

He could remember everything that happened before the Maze (though it all felt like a dream) and he kind of wished some of it had stayed forgotten. Some things he was very happy he had remembered, like his friends: his pack. Yet others, scary and sad, like death of loved ones.

"Thomas what are you doing, you shuck head?" said a more familiar voice. It was Chuck, he was the greenie before he had joined the Maze, the first to be nice to him, his best friend. He was standing next to him: Thomas had been so focused on his dream, he hadn't even noticed the boy by the side of him.

"Oh no, just had a bad dream, go back to sleep" he told him. Chuck didn't move. "Seriously Chuck, everything's fine, get back in bed!" Eventually, the boy gave up and tucked himself back into his warm bed. Thomas watched as his eyes drooped shut and not long after, so did his.

Luckily, Thomas managed to get quite a bit more sleep before he next woke up. He looked at the clock next to him, the shining light beamed out the digits 3:02. He couldn't get the image out of his head. Those people, he knew them: their names, what they looked like, what they've gone through, what they were.

He felt the connection between them, all just by thinking about them. However, he didn't really want to meet them (again): everything before the glade, it all just felt like a strange nightmare. He felt like it was just in his head, none of it was real, but it was. It scared him.

He had remembered some other things, things he now wished he hadn't remembered. He had killed people, not like he had done in the trials, he had killed innocent people. He could remember his best friend becoming a werewolf and a guy called Jackson becoming a kanima* . He could remember all the suffering from when he was possessed by a "Nogitsune". He could remember it all. And he didn't want to.

After sitting for at least an hour, trying to work out what to do with these new memories, he decided to wait until morning. Eventually he managed to fall back to sleep, hoping it would be the last time he woke up until morning.

Luckily for him, it was...

( * Thank you StrangerSidemen for pointing out my mistake :) Jackson is indeed a Kanima not a Chimera as I originally wrote. It's really helpful because I often make silly mistakes and dont notice them. )

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