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individually packaged needles

soapy water and salt


like i've been punched in the head

self-done puncture of ear cartilage on the edge of the bed

and toss the bloodied needle on the floor

so the red will mix with the mud and the dust

the red dripping down my neck will mix with the cotton and polyester blend

of my worn down band shirt and turn the colour to rust

individually wrapped

bite-sized pain

30g of the finest tobacco a tenner can buy

tap out the ash in one out of the ten dirty mugs piled high

could i use this £1 clipper to burn out my insides

and let my soul be sterilised

maybe a warm salt water solution would do the trick

if i drink enough i'll either drown or be sick

all over the toilet seat, on the bathroom floor

and we'll have to paint the room in bleach

you show up at my door with supermarket own brand vodka

70cl of the strongest spirit a tenner can buy

a taste you can feel in your eyes

surgical spirit to treat my insides

i want to be poisoned and to die

a gift-wrapped suicide in a bottle

dance with me, hug my body tight, look at me!

freshly bleached hair, new shampoo, squeaky clean

sanitized hands, estrogen and progesterone pumped system

pass me the needle

pass me the condom

pass me paracetamol and a plaster - there's blood everywhere!

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