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you are toothache and chewed up spat out sugar

you are headphones blasting fast rock but one side isn't working

you are an injection at the doctors that is meant to STOP it hurting

a big pile of washing up that i keep adding to

and the pile of dead lighters that i haven't thrown away

you are every stressful meeting where i didn't get my say

you are an old razor that was once too sharp and cut me but now won't do it's job

you are crumbs in the bed from that one time we had biscuits

we had gingernuts

nothing better than a gingernut in bed, i said

as i twisted my finger around my ginger hair

you are the holes in my fishnets -

rip more.

you are my newest tattoo,

my newest bruise

a handprint on my thigh

a scuff on my knees

you are holding my hand too tightly

you are holding my hand too tightly

and suddenly, after everything

after every chewed up, spat out, swallowed, burnt, cut, gingernut in bed

you let me go

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