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i don't remember last night. or the night before that,

i never remember whose lips and cigarettes i share

and i never remember that menthols make me throw up

the memories that plague my brain i once wanted to forget but now i cling onto them like they're all i have

because they are all i have

when a person goes from a real person to a memory person you need to remember them

the bad things suddenly feel precious


and i tried to recount this all to you but i couldn't

i couldn't remember how i've been feeling, what i've been doing and i can't even remember why i came here -

was it because my dad died and it made me sad or is it because i'm sad and want to die

you don't understand though because i don't tell you everything

the way i lie down on my roof in the pouring rain at night till i'm soaker through

the way i impulsively buy things like weddings dresses and peanut butter

and create crazy plans that never materrialise

how about how i sit in my bedroom alone doing drugs

and only then am inspired to write poetry with

spelling mistakes and typos

that i'll only notice in the morning

but with more raw feeling than i can muster up in a week of being sober

anna do you really want to die?

i can't remember

and i get too lost in the layers of this song

of the background piano melody

and the way the drums fit over the top

jazz chords on guitar

synthy sounds

and a mellow voice that seems to be speaking only to me

and lyrics that make me want to rip up my own poetry

what was i on about?

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