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i know how it feels to be suicidal, dad

when everything around you becomes a weapon

how much liquor could i drink before i pass out?

how many pills could i swallow before i have a seizure?

but yet i don't kill myself in one go, not yet

because i'm a coward and apparently it might hurt

and it may not work, that's what you said, dad

and my days of self harming are behind me (because of you, dad)

i sleep through the day, i don't get out of bed

and at night when it hurts the most i'll drink

or take something that used to be fun

but now just numbs

i bet you would be disappointed in me, dad

you attempted suicide 3 times

spent your life as an addict and alcoholic

well i'm just the same, dad

and you'd be so sad if you knew

but it doesn't matter anymore, does it dad?

you'll never know

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