What Happens Next (Wayo)

Start from the beginning

"I would never dream of not feeding you.  If you're anything like the real Wayo, you're dangerous when you're hungry." He says off offhandedly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask feeling angry again.

"As sweet and friendly as Wayo was most of the time, that's how grumpy and aggressive he was when he was hungry.  His friends always made sure to keep snacks with them at all times in case he didn't get a chance to eat.  No one wanted to risk being around a grumpy Wayo." He says smiling to himself.

"As a matter of fact..." He says while turning to the back seat and grabbing his bag.

"I still keep these with me.  It became a habit." He adds as he pulls out my favorite energy bar.

I can't believe he carries those.  I had no idea that he did that.

"So you carried them too?" I fish.

"Oh yeah, but I never gave them to him myself.  I would make Beam or Kit do it." He admits.

"So that's why they always looked awkward." I whisper.



"Did you say something?" He asks.

"Nope.  Did I? Mumbling maybe?" I add.

"Maybe." He says smiling at me.

"Can I have that?" I ask because all of a sudden that looks really good.

"Of course." He says as he hands it to me.

"Ahh." He says as soon as I unwrap it.

I look at it and at him.  Do I share? It would be rude not to but what if he only has this one? What if he takes a big bite? What am I supposed to do?

"Yo." He calls grabbing my attention.

My decision is made.  I shove the majority of the bar into my mouth leaving a normal size bite which I pop into his mouth with my fingers.  For the next five minutes I work on chewing the mouthful I now have thanks to my greed, but am I bothered?  Not at all.  Am I ashamed?  Not even a little.  Would I do it again? Absolutely, although I may not give him as much next time.

I can hear him laughing next to me but I'm preoccupied with trying to swallow little bits at a time.  When I finally manage to get it all down I take the time to appreciate just how sexy he looks while driving.  If only he would unbutton that shirt more.

No, even better, somehow he had to take his shirt off but it's hot so he starts sweating causing his skin to slightly shimmer from the moisture.  Then, oh so slowly, a bead of sweat would decide to travel over his pectoral muscles, over his pert nipple, making its way over each row of his six pack, getting caught in that V outline before disappearing into his pants.

"Yo." I hear being said.

"Yo-oh." I hear in a sing-song voice.

"Hey! Yo!"

"What?!" I say jolting up and focusing on P'Pha.

"Just what are you thinking about?" He says with a smirk.

"Nothing." I say as I wipe my mouth.

Dammit, I was drooling.

"Oh really?" He says and I watch as his hand travels over towards me the rests right between my legs.

"This tells me otherwise." He says giving a slight squeeze to my very hard dick.

"P'Pha. Don't tease." I beg.

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