Chapter Twenty

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Hey guys so here it is the final chapter! Really hope you like it, Thank you so much for the constant support with the story. 

Zayn's Pov:

Have you ever thought your life couldn't get much better? Have you ever woken up one morning and realized that everything you knew wasn't a dream? That it was all reality? No? Well I have, Today I woke up next to my beautiful husband, There was only one emotion that filled my body and that was love, Me and Niall had been married a few weeks and we were currently on our last day of our honeymoon. Every single morning since that day I've woken up loving him more then the previous day, Is that even possible? Everytime I look in his ocean blue eyes my heart skips a beat, Everytime our lips graze together my heart stops all together, He gives me shakes and shivers I can't explain and made me see there was more to life then running free and being this big bad boy, Niall makes me feel warm and happy inside, Whenever he smiles I get all dizzy and gooey eyed, He makes my heart beat so fast, I'm always putting him before myself, Wanting him to be nothing but happy, I had no idea I was capable of loving someone this way. Everytime we sleep together it's not just sex, It's not some physical attraction like what we had at the start, Everytime we do it now, It's all based on our love for eachother, And I wouldn't have it any other way. 

"Do we have to go back?" I groaned seeing Niall packing his suitcase. 

"Sadly we do, It's our home Zi". He replied chuckling. 

"This could be our home too. What do you think of buying a place out here for vacations and stuff?" I asked, Niall nodded. 

"That sounds amazing babe". 

"I love you Niall you know that?" I said. 

"Well I should hope so, Otherwise I want a divorce" Niall replied jokingly.

"Oh I don't think so your not escaping me that easily" I replied getting up and wrapping my arms around his small waist. 

"Well good job I don't want to be away from you" Niall replied before giving me a quick kiss. 

"When we get home I have a surprise for you" I said smirking. 

"Which is?" Niall asked curiously. 

"You will have to wait and see" I replied before slapping his ass and walking off. 

Five hours later we were back in the comfort of our own home, It was amazing to be back, Yeah Spain was beautiful, The weather was amazing, But this it was home, When we got back we had loads of messages on our answering machine, The one that stood out was from Niall's parents. They agreed to try and accept mine and Niall's marriage, But they would never accept the betrayal, I was happy for Niall, I truly was, But part of me wished my family would do the same, However the other half didn't care, Niall was my family now, He was my husband, Therefore he was all I needed, Right now we were sprawled out on our bed, Cuddling trying desperately to get over the jet lag.

"Babe?" I said. Niall tilted his head up to look at me.

"Yeah?" He whispered. 

"You remember on the plane to the honeymoon we were talking about having children?" I asked, Niall nodded so I continued. "Well before we went away I made a few calls, Spoke to a few people and well, Hang on I will show you" I said getting up from the bed, I then walked over to the side table and pulled out a folder before handing it to Niall, Niall opened it and looked at the papers inside, His eyes read over the small print, A smile appearing on his face. Niall dropped the papers before lunging towards me, I opened my arms catching him before he fell.

"So what do you think?" I asked chuckling. 

"Yes, Oh my god fucking yes!" Niall yelled happily. We stood there embracing eachother kissing passionately. Everything had finally fallen into place, We had both walked away from the criminal lifestyle we knew, We risked it all exchanging it for beautiful love, We beat all the odds nobody wanted us together but it didn't matter to us, We still remained strong. We then proved our love by getting married and now our perfect ending would be complete, Me and Niall was going to adopt our very first child. Our families may not be 100% accepting of us but now we would be starting our own family together, Just me Niall and our child. It was the happy ending we both searched for, We now have it together and nobody was taking it from us, Our love went against the greatest evil and we beat it, And we always will because the true meaning of love was sacrifice, We made a sacrifice to be together it would be one that we would never regret. 

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