Chapter Sixteen

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, I hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

Zayn's Pov:

How was it possible that someone could be so beautiful? How can a person be so natural and harmless while sleeping? Whenever I read or saw this stuff in movies, Honestly I thought the people needed a reality check, But now seeing my beautiful husband to be sleeping soundly next to me, I know all stuff like that is real. Niall looks so at peace, So carefree, His angelic face looks even more beautiful while he sleeps. The way his mouth tilts open slightly and the tiny smile on his pink perfect lips. I ran my fingers gently through his blonde locks, I can't believe I'm the lucky person who gets to wake up to this sight every single morning. 

"You know it's rude to stare right?" Niall mumbled, Snapping me from my thoughts. 

"Sorry. It's just your so beautiful, Your glowing Niall" Niall chuckled before replying. 

"Only because I'm inlove". 

"No, Your beautiful all the time, Even when I first laid eyes on you, You were a vision of perfection, You always are" I replied. 

"Even when I was in hospital?" He said. 

"Even then, Your always beautiful to me" I said smiling.

"What's gotten into you Zayn?" Niall asked chuckling softly.

"The man I love has agreed to marry me, Can't a boy be happy about that?" I replied. 

"Of course you can" Niall replied leaning up to kiss me gently, I held the back of Niall's head firmly as I kissed him back, Niall pulled away making a face.

"What? My kissing ain't that bad is it" I said smirking at my lover. 

"No, But your fucking morning breath is" Niall replied laughing before dropping his head back onto the pillow. 

"Fuck you Horan" I said the massive grin still plastered on my face. 

"If it wasn't for my ribs trust me I would. Hey Zayn just think soon I will be Niall Malik" Niall said smiling, I chuckled before pulling him gently into me. 

"Or I will be Zayn Horan" I replied. 

"Whatever way our names go it will sound perfect" Niall said. "Erm Zayn?" 

"Yeah babe?" I replied. 

"Whats burning?" 

"Fuck! The breakfast!" I shouted bolting up from the bed, Leaving Niall laying there in hysterics. 

Me and Niall both knew we would have to face our parents. It's not something all children want to do, Truth be told neither of us wanted to turn our backs on our family, But we loved eachother, If our families couldn't accept that then walking away was our only option. We called both our parents arranging to meet them at the cottage. My parents refused point blank, I'm not going to lie it hurt, It really bloody hurt, Niall's family agreed to come down and speak to Niall, Suppose that's one good thing. After my family told me they wanted nothing to do with me I walked outside to smoke a cigarette while Niall got changed. 

"Babe?" Niall said. 

"Yeah?" I replied taking a drag of the cigarette. 

"I'm sorry" Niall said wrapping his arms around me. 

"Why would you be sorry babe?" I replied wrapping one of my arms around Niall. 

"None of this would be happening if I never moved here". 

"Hey, Oi, No, Don't you dare say things like that. Niall I love you, Regardless of what my parents say, I love you so much and as I've said before were doing this with or without there support" I replied dropping my cigarette to the floor, I wrapped my other arm around Niall hugging him, Niall leaned up and kissed me gently on the lips. 

"So it is true". A voice sounded in our ears. We pulled away seeing Niall's father standing there. 

"Dad" Niall said. 

"Don't you dare call me that" His dad replied. 

"Hey don't talk to him like that!" I shouted. 

"Stay out of this you waste of fucking air!" 

"Say whatever the fuck you want about me! But don't you dare speak to your son like that!" I yelled. 

"Son? That's fucking rich! Some son he is, Niall you fucking disappoint me you left your family, You betrayed everything you was ever taught, For him, The boy who caused you to break your ribs!" Niall's dad yelled. 

"I'm still your son! How can you be like this eh dad? You swore to always fucking love me and support me! You remember that? All of this went out the fucking window when I took over the gang, It's all you care for, You sleep, eat and breathe the fucking gang, There's more to life then beating people up, Being the strongest person, Being top dog, There's fucking love!" Niall yelled. 

"Love? Is that what you call this? It's a disgrace Niall".

"It's love! Whether you like it or not I love Zayn! Your blessing it would be the best thing in the world, But I called you here to tell you that I love Zayn, Nothing you say is going to break us apart, And were getting married with or without your blessing". 

"Your getting what?!" 

"Married! Would you like me to spell it out for you" I replied sarcastically. 

"Stop it! I don't want you two ripping shreds out of eachother. Dad, I spent my whole life doing whatever you wanted, Making you happy, dating whoever you thought was best, But the whole time I was miserable. You wanted me to be something I'm not and I done it for you, Now I've fallen inlove despite everything me and Zayn have stayed together, Dosen't that prove anything to you? If you love me the way you said you do respect it, Dad please" Niall said pleading with his dad. Niall's dad sighed. 

"Zayn what does your father think?" 

"He's disowned me but I love your son Mr Horan, You can do whatever you want to me, You can beat me break my legs, I don't care, Because Ant he tried to take Niall from me, Nothing you do to me, Nothing anyone does can take away what Ant tried to take, He tried to take your son from me, You may love Niall but I love him too" I said. 

"Look dad were getting married in six weeks time, At a small place out in the country, Come if you want to, But I'm doing this and I'm sorry if you don't respect that" Niall replied before  grabbing my hand dragging me to the car where Danny was waiting. We planned to stay with him for the next few weeks, Niall needed to rest properly he couldn't do that here. 

We got into the car and Danny began to drive. 

"You guys ok?" He asked. 

"We will be mate, Thanks for this" I said. 

"Yeah Danny thank you, We owe so much to you" Niall added. 

"You owe me nothing, Zayn your like blood to me, Niall you mean everything to Zayn therefore you mean alot to me, So I'm here for you both with whatever you need" Danny replied. 

"Thank you Danny" Niall replied before carefully grabbing his ribcage.

"Niall! Niall what's wrong!" I began to panic. 

"It's nothing, I think it's just the argument today, Took alot out of me" Niall replied. 

"Go sleep baby, I'll wake you up when we get there" I said gently kissing the top of Niall's head. He curled himself into my body and I held him there. He wouldn't say it but we both knew it, He wanted our parents approval we both did, But as long as we had eachother it would all be ok. I  would make sure of that, Not for me but for my future husbands sake. 

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