Chapter Twelve

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, Really hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

Zayn's Pov:

"Zayn we have to go back" The words left Niall's mouth before I even had time to breathe, Not a fucking chance was I going to let him go back.

"No way Niall" I replied with my serous voice.

"I can't sit back and watch our families fight it out Zayn, I can't watch my gang get hurt or worse" Niall said.

"And I can't fucking sit back and watch you get hurt! Don't ask me to fucking do it Niall, Because I won't do it! Not again!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, Danny put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. 

"Zayn's right Niall, Neither of you can go back, It's to dangerous, You may be the gang leaders or whatever, But neither of your two gangs will take the betrayal lightly. If you go home chances are only one of you will be coming back" Danny spoke the words I was dreading to hear, I was torn between the two worlds that mean everything to me. 

"I know man, I know" I turned around to see Niall walking back into the bedroom. "Mate can you give me a few minutes?"

"Course, But Zayn, Don't let your loyalty for your gang blind you from the love you feel for Niall, If you go back I'll stand beside you again and fight" Danny spoke, I nodded my head before patting him on the back, I knew I had his loyalty no matter what.

I walked to the bedroom to find Niall throwing on his jacket.

"Niall, What the hell are you doing?" I said grabbing a hold of him.

"I have to go back Zayn, I can't leave them" Niall replied, My heart breaking with every word he spoke.

"Niall, If we go back chances are one of us will die, I cant watch that happen Ni, I can't watch the two things that mean the world to me go against eachother. I can't stand across from you, Then fight against you, Niall don't fucking ask me to do that because I wont" I pleaded with Niall trying to make him see sense. He walked towards me wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Zayn, Who said anything about fighting against eachother? I have no intention of doing that, Not ever. We made this mess Zayn, We caused this fight, So we have to be the ones to clean it up, If we run away were going to regret it for the rest of our lives" Niall said holding me close to him.

"I know your right Niall, I do, But I can't bare going back knowing your going to get hurt" I replied.

"Zayn, We knew this would happen, It's the risk we took, We can't run from this, If we ever want to be free we have to stand and fight back" Niall said. I sighed before pulling his body closer to mine, I kissed him with all the passion I had. 

"Ok, We'll go back, Just promise me no matter what you won't leave me Ni, I can't live without you"

"I could never leave you Zayn" Niall replied kissing me back with just as much passion. We locked our fingers together and walked out the room to where Danny was stood. 

"Were going back" I spoke, Danny looked at me with utter shock. 

"Zayn are you crazy!" He shouted. 

"We can't run from it Danny, When you turned your back on us, I couldn't understand why at first, I never thought love could be as strong as my love for crime, But I was proven wrong when Niall came into my life. What were doing it's not wrong Danny, It's love, there's nothing wrong about falling inlove, We have to show them that" I replied.

"At what cost Zayn? You know what there like! They won't show mercy on him just because you love eachother!"

"I know, But we have to try, If we don't fight for our love were going to regret it for the rest of our lives".

"You really ready for this Zayn? You ready to go against your gang, Facing the fact you might not walk out alive? That he might not come out alive?" Danny spoke pointing directly at Niall.

"I know the risk Danny, But we can't run and I'm not going to let any harm come to Niall" I said.

"Hello! I am still here you know! And I can take care of myself, Incase you all forgot that" Niall said before walking out the door.

"Stubborn one you got there Zayn" Danny said laughing. 

"That's why I love him" I replied before chucking my arm around Danny, Before we headed out the door joining Niall at the car. 

Here we were driving to our fate, Danny was in the front of the car, Me and Niall were cuddled in the back together.

"Don't be afraid" Niall said.

"I'm not afraid to die, I'm afraid of when tomorrow comes and you might not be by my side, I'm scared of facing my entire life living without the person I love. I'm scared of you never knowing how much you truly mean to me, I'm scared to hold you in my arms as you take your last breath, Then slip slowly away from me forever" Silent tears began to fall from my eyes, Niall softly wiped them away.

"It's going to take more then whatever they have to offer to get rid of me Malik, Because I'm never leaving you, Not ever" Niall replied. I looked down at the boy I loved knowing tonight could maybe change everything but nothing can change the love we feel for eachother. 

A few hours later we pulled up in Bradord, I smiled to myself, In a way I was happy to be home. I'd missed it but I knew I wouldn't be getting a warm welcome. Danny went for a walk around to see what he could find out, Me and Niall stayed in the car, We couldn't risk being seen not yet. I was laying across the backseat of the car, Niall was laying ontop of me, I began laughing softly.

"What's so funny?" Niall asked giving me a weird look.

"Kind of kinky position don't you think?" I commented wiggling my eyebrows, Niall then chuckled back at me, He began rolling his hips into mine causing insane pleasurable friction between us. 

"Malik were about to have the biggest fight of our lives, And your thinking with your dick" Niall said chuckling softly.

"I can't help that your so damn hot when your fired up" I replied back, Niall laughed before gently pressing his lips to mine. 

"No matter what happens tonight I love you Zayn Malik, And I'm never going to be sorry for this" Niall said. I placed my hand on the back of his head cradling his skull. 

"Neither will I, Niall Horan I love you" We kissed passionately. "Niall? After all this is over with, I want us to move away, I don't care where as long as were still together, I-I-I want you to be my husband Niall, I want to marry you, That's if you still want me after all this is done".

"Zayn Malik, If it wasn't for this stupid fight I'd have you right now" Niall replied kissing me. 

This fight would change everything, But the one thing it wouldn't change is our undying love for eachother. 

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