Chapter Eleven

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, Really hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

Zayn's Pov:

We stopped off at Ireland for a few days as planned, I then got in touch with my old time long friend Danny, We've been friends since I could first remember, He used to run the gang with me that was until he fell inlove. Now, back then I didn't understand the sacrifice he made, All I knew then was fighting, Dominance, Power, It was all I cared for, Now that Niall's come into my life, I know exactly what he meant when he said 'Powers not everything Zayn, Loves the ultimate healer of all scars'. He had no idea how right he was, How much truth was in the words he spoke. Me and Niall needed a place to go, We needed a home, Building a new life together couldn't center around hotels. That's no life at all. So I contacted him, Told him the whole story of me and Niall, He was more then happy to offer us a small flat until we got on our feet, That's what a true friend is. So here me and Niall are in the car again driving to our new home. 

"We done it" Niall squealed rather loudly, I looked at him strangely before laughing.

"Niall, Have you been on the happy pills without telling me?" I said.

"Oh shut up you idiot" Niall replied laughing "What I mean is we actually done it Zi, We've beaten all odds, We turned our back on everything we knew, All for love" Niall stated.

"I never knew this love existed until I met you, I always thought the love in stories and movies wasn't real, It was nothing but a piece of fiction. Bits of words written down on a piece of paper, Or spoken in a movie by actors and actresses, I never thought it was real" I replied taking one of Niall's hands in mine.

"Babe? As much as I really do love you, I don't want to die, So keep an eye on the fucking road" Niall replied chuckling. 

I shook my head before putting my eyes back on the road yet again, His laugh sent butterflies flying deep inside my stomach, I got shivers in every organ, Every bone, Even in my blood, Whenever he laughed. I'm never going to shut this boy out of my life, Now that I have him I couldn't imagine a life that didn't revolve around Niall. Love was the ultimate cure for anything. 

A few hours later we arrived at the small flat, It wasn't much but it was a home, A fresh start, For me and Niall nobody else. We entered the small flat heading straight towards the bedroom.

"Ni?" I said.

"Yeah Zi?" He replied.

"Thank you" I exclaimed.

"What for?" Niall replied looking at me confusion filling his face. 

"Leaving it all behind, Coming with me, Loving me" I replied. 

"Zayn Malik I'd do anything for you, Your my criminal and I fucking love you" Niall replied wrapping his arms firmly around my torso. I smiled just as my phone began ringing, I looked at the caller ID and it read Harry's name, Neither of our gangs have stopped calling us the past few days, Warning messages from our families were left such as. 'Zayn tell me it's not fucking true, Tell me your not with him!' 'Malik you betrayed us, We were the closest thing you had to blood!' The messages that were left for Niall wern't much better. 'Niall how fucking could you! How could you betray us for him!' I rolled my eyes not wanting to hear another cruel voicemail, So I grabbed my phone and threw it straight against the wall, It shattered to pieces right there, Niall looked at me shocked at first then he grinned an evil grin the one that turned me on to an extreme level, He grabbed his phone and chucked it against the wall too, It also shattered to pieces.

"God, I love it when you act all badass" Niall whispered seductively.

"A new life Ni, Leave the criminal behind" I whispered seductively into his ear, Sending shivers down his spine. 

"The criminal was left behind the minute I laid eyes on you" Niall replied before turning around and kissing me passionately on the lips. I grabbed the bottom of Niall's shirt pulling it off his body.

"I think you need a shower Horan, You stink" I said winking at him.

"Only because of all the physical workouts your giving me" He replied.

"Don't hear you complaining at the time" I whispered into his ear biting softly on his ear lobe, I smirked when a small moan escaped his lips. Niall lifted my shirt off throwing it carelessly to the floor, I was just about to lay him down on the bed when there was constant banging coming from the front door.

"Zayn! Zayn! Open the fucking door! Zayn!!" Danny's screams echoed through the flat, I rolled my eyes before climbing off Niall.

"He better be fucking dying!" I walked to the front door, Niall trailing slowly behind me, The moment the door was open Danny lunged through it, Trying desperately to catch his breath. I began rubbing his back slowly telling him to breathe deeply. 

"Z-z-zayn-y-yoou-" Danny tried to speak but he was to busy gasping for air.

"Danny! Calm down and tell me what's happened" I said softly. 

"Your families, Both your families they know your together, Zayn they know your with eachother, Zayn your family wants to kill Niall, Niall yours want to kill Zayn, There going to fight you guys, Until the death" My eyes widened in horror, I looked over to Niall and saw the same horror in his eyes.

"We can't abandon them Zayn, We have to go back" Niall spoke, My world shattered in that moment. 

Ziall-A Criminal Love AffairTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang