Chapter Eight

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, I hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

Niall's Pov:

The pain was nothing, The bruises would heal, The loss of blood could be dealt with, But the feel of betrayal, The sense of a shattered heart was what was hurting the most. I didn't want to think badly of Zayn, I didn't want to think he would set up that plan to get me hurt, The fact he didn't even show his face made the betrayal all the more worse. I couldn't help but feel that he was laughing at my stupidity. I actually fully believed he cared for me. I let myself believe he would actually warn me with what they were doing, I've betrayed my gang, I went behind there back for him, For love, He couldn't even do the same. The ache inside my heart wouldn't leave, It was cutting deeper and deeper, Nobody's ever made me feel this way, This boy took my heart and he dosen't even know it. 

Zayn wouldn't stop calling me, I had missed call after missed call. Text after text, I couldn't speak to him and listen to his lies, Listen to him wrap me around his fingers, As if I was a piece of string. I believed and trusted in him the first time, There was no way I was going to let it happen again. Deep down inside of me I had this small overwhelming feeling, That feeling was telling me Zayn wouldn't do it to you, He wouldn't hurt you like that, Hear him out. My head and my heart were having the most strangest debate ever. My head was saying he hurt you, Get him back Get him back good. However my heart was saying, You know he wouldn't hurt you Niall, You know the real him. I was torn between the two, Being pulled in both directions not knowing what way to go. Talking to him would be my best option I knew this, I just didn't know if I was ready to. Sooner then I was ready for my phone began vibrating in my hand, Zayns name appeared on caller ID, I swallowed deeply before accepting the call.

"Ni? Ni thank fuck you answered, Listen to me ok, Don't speak just please listen to me. Ni I had no idea what they was planing, They didn't tell me anything, Ni I swear you have to believe me please! I love you I'd never want to see you hurt please Ni please" I heard sobs at the other end of the line, I wanted to hold him tell him it was ok that I believed him, But how could I? When I didn't know it was even the truth. 

"We need to talk" I replied. 

"Open your window then" He said, I pulled a confused looking face before standing up slowly and heading towards my window, Once I had opened it I saw Zayn sitting in the tree outside, He looked awful, Tear stains spreading across his cheeks, Maybe he was telling the truth. I held out my hand and helped him climb into the open window. 

"What the hell are you doing here? Zayn if they find you here your fucked!" I said concern filling my voice, I was meant to hate him but I just couldn't. 

"I don't care!" Zayn looked me in the eyes and I saw concern filling them. "What the hell did they do to you" Zayn whispered.

"Like you don't know" I spat, I had to find out the truth. He looked at me with hurt filling his eyes.

"Niall, I had nothing to do with it, I swear to you" Zayn replied.

"You actually expect me to fucking believe that Malik!" I yelled anger finally showing in my voice.

"Niall, I've been in bed all day ill, I told you I'd fucking warn you when they were going after you. Do you really think I'd break that fucking promise to you? I never want to see you fucking hurt! Seeing you like this is breaking my body in half, The minute I found out I ran to you Niall you have to believe me, Please believe me" Zayn pleaded with me. 

"So wait let me get this straight, You expect me to believe, That you had no idea they were planing to ambush me? That three of your little fucking followers would jump me from behind!, Then the rest of your little crew would show up and all ambush me! And the whole fucking time you was throwing up your damn dignity!" I yelled, I wanted to believe him but I was hurting so badly.

"Ni" Zayn whispered. "What did they do to you?" Zayn asked softly.

"What they didn't tell you?" I looked in his eyes and saw hurt, He really didn't know what happened.

"No they didn't, I ran off before they could, I had to see you, I had to know you was ok Ni" Tears began streaking down Zayn's face. 

"Well my ass got fucking kicked that's what happened. They showed up made it look like they was going to hurt Sean, So I went for all three of them, That's when the rest of them showed up, They attacked me from behind, Smacked me until the need for air was desperate, Caused me to choke on my own blood, I couldn't even fight back properly, Gagging for fucking air, I got one punch in Zayn fucking one! The smacks wern't soft they were full on power smacks, One after the other I couldn't find the ability to breathe, Then the thought of your betrayal sank even deeper into my mind, For the first time in my fucking life I gave up Zayn. I actually gave up, I thought I'd lost you, fighting back didn't matter to me anymore!" I said, More tears began spilling down Zayns face. 

"I-I-I'm so sorry Ni, I should have been there, I should have stopped it, I should have done something" He cried out. I knew in that moment that he had no knowledge of what was planned. Zayn dropped to my bed his head falling into his hands crying. "I-i-th--ou-gh--t i thought i--h-a-h had -l-o-st you" Zayn cried out, It broke my heart to see him this way, I walked over to him and knelt down in front of him removing his hands from his face.

"It's going to take more then this to get rid of me" I said wiping away his tears. Zayn pulled me into a tight embrace sobbing into my shoulder blade. I then wrapped my arms around his waist we held eachother as if it was the last time we would ever be with eachother. Many things were going to fade away in time, Things change and people change, But it's safe to say for me I loved Zayn, Nothing was going to change that. He laid down on my bed pulling me down with him, He began rubbing my stomach as gently as he could. Just by his touch I felt that all my problems had faded away. Then Zayn said something that made me freeze something I wasn't expecting.

"Niall, run away with me?"

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