Chapter Fourteen

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, Really hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

Also TeenForLife suggested that listening to Ed Sheeran- Give me love bumps up the emotion in the chapter, so if you guys want to try it that would be amazing, Check out her stories because there completely amazing! 

Zayn's Pov:

Danny sped through the streets at the speed of lightning ignoring all speed limits that existed. I was holding Niall's body tightly to mine, He couldn't do this to me, He promised, He can't break his promise, Not now, I couldn't live without him. Before I knew it we were outside the hospital, I was hell bent on holding onto Niall regardless of the pain that was shooting through my leg, Danny helped me to carry Niall inside that's when I lost all control and began screaming.

"Somebody please, Someone help him please, We need a doctor please" I got the attention of everyone in the reception area, A doctor then ran towards me with a team of people pulling a stretcher along with them, The doctors yanked Niall from my arms, Danny had to hold me back because I swear I could have fucking punched them! They placed Niall's limp body on the stretcher before wheeling him away, I tried to go after them but the doctor held me back. 

"Niall! No! Niall! Where the fuck are you taking him?! Niall!" I began screaming, Fresh tears streaming down my face.

"Son, Son you need to calm down, Were going to do all we can for your friend" The doctor spoke, My anger began to rise.

"He's my fucking boyfriend! Get it right you fucking asshole!" I shouted, Danny put his arm on my shoulder to calm me down, I leaned into his chest "Please, Please don't take him from me"

"I'm sorry about him, Niall just means alot to him" He said, I began crying hysterically into Danny's chest. 

"I understand and we will do everything we can for him, But for now we need to get your leg looked at, Follow me".

Waiting I've always hated it, I don't have the patience to wait around for nothing, Yet here I am waiting for news on my maybe dead boyfriend. Danny kept telling me not to think of the worst, But how could I not? I don't even know where he was hit, I was to busy being the coward I am. The doctors checked me over, There was no permanent damage, They removed the glass, It hadn't gone as deep as we first thought, They bandaged me up and now here I was sitting, Waiting for news on my lover. 

"You alright mate?" Danny asked.

"Honestly? I don't know, I don't feel anything, Nothing but emptiness, A numbness in my body that won't go away, It wont allow me to feel sadness or sorrow" I replied.

"It's love mate" Danny replied.

"He can't leave me Dan not now" I spoke. 

"He wont Zi, He's a fighter like you, Your love is worth fighting for, Niall knows this, He won't give up on you" He said, throwing his arm over my shoulder. I wanted to believe what he was saying, So why couldn't I? Why couldn't I trust that Niall would find his way back to me? Time was all I had, Seconds dragged onto minutes, Minutes to hours, It felt that waiting was all I was doing. As each hour passed I felt further and further away from Niall. The feeling of loss becoming more real, Every passing minute was like a stab through the heart, I couldn't be without him. 

After what felt like years the doctor walked into the waiting room, He told us Niall had a broken rib cage, And some bruised up bones, The only words he seemed to speak that I actually heard was, "He's still unconscious" I looked to Danny for reassurance but I saw nothing but sorrow in his eyes. 

"Can I see him?" I asked the doctor. 

"Of course, Follow me" The doctor replied, I turned to Danny before going to leave the room.

"I don't want any of them here! None of them are aloud anywhere near Niall ok?" I said, Danny nodded his head, I then exited the room. I followed the doctor in silence, I had no idea what to expect, The doctor opened one of the doors and I wanted to collapse on the floor right there, Laying on the bed was my beautiful Niall, He could have passed for being asleep if he wasn't hooked up to so many machines. There were wires all over his body. I slowly walked over to Niall's bedside collapsing into the chair, The doctor said something but I wasn't focused on his voice, I was focused on my fragile angel laying motionless on the bed. The doctor left the room and for a while I lost my ability to speak. I took Niall's limp hand and laced his fingers in with mine. I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to speak. 

"Your so stupid Niall, Why would you do something like that eh? Why would you risk yourself for me? It's not meant to be like this Ni, Were supposed to be starting a new life together, Your not supposed to be laying here attached to all these wires" I took a deep breath before continuing. " You remember that promise you made? The one where you said you wouldn't leave, You said you wouldn't leave me Niall, I'm kind of holding you to that baby, I urm I need you to wake up, I need to see those ocean blue eyes, That beautiful breathtaking smile, That heartwarming laugh, I need to see it all Niall, I need you to wake up and keep your promise, Because if you don't, I don't know what I'm gonna do, I can't be without you Ni, Not now you've shown me so much, You've made me into who I am today, You can't leave me, I won't let you" Tears began to fall from my eyes again. "Were gonna get married remember? Have a life together, A marriage takes two people Ni, Don't leave me here alone, I can't face this world without you, Your the only one who makes it feel like home, When your not around it's like a piece of me is missing, Like I'm not whole without you, There's a hole in my heart that you took without warning, The holes getting bigger without you here, I need you Ni, I need you like I need the air in my lungs to breathe. Like I need my heart to pump the blood around my body, My heart beats for you Ni without you it's just gonna stop. You gave me the love I always wanted, You can't just take it away, Open your eyes baby, Or move any part of your beautiful body, Just let me know your still here with me please Niall, If there's a God up there, Please don't take him from me, Please" I broke down then and there tears pouring from my eyes.

It felt as if all hope was lost, Niall hadn't moved not one bit. I went outside to smoke a cigarette, Danny said he would stay with Niall. I began to think back to the time I first laid eyes on him, He took my breath away even back then, I was so sexually drawn to him, At first I think it was just a physical attraction, Then it became more, It became what it is today, Love. My phone began ringing inside my pocket, I looked at the caller ID and saw Danny's name, I threw my cigarette to the floor running into the hospital, I bolted past all the people apologizing to the ones I bumped into, When I arrived outside Niall's hospital door I took a deep breath preparing myself for what I was about to see, I slowly took the door handle in my hand and turned it, The site I saw made my heart sore into the high heavens, He was alive my Niall was alive.

"What no hug from my big bad criminal fiance?" Niall whispered out a small smile on his face, I rushed over to his bed taking him in my arms, I cried into his chest as he gently rubbed my back.

"I-I-i- thought-ih-h-h-a-d-l--l-o-o-s-t- y-o-o-u" I cried out. 

"I made you a promise Zayn, I don't ever intend on breaking it" Niall replied, I held him closer to me he winched a little which made me jump backwards. "It's ok, It's a good pain" Niall said, I took him in my arms once again, "I love you Zayn" He said.

"Say it again?" I replied.

"I love you Zayn" He repeated.

"And again?" I said not believing I was hearing his beautiful voice.

"Zayn Malik, I love you" He said again. 

"I love you Niall Horan" I replied before gently kissing him on the lips. 

We embraced yet again, I couldn't be more thankful to God, I would be forever grateful to whatever force brought him back to me. Now I had him back there was no way I was letting him go ever again. For the past 48 hours I've found out what it was like, To maybe lose the person who means so much to you, No amount of physical, Verbal, or mental abuse can compare to it, And I can say I never want to experience that kind of pain ever again. 

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