Chapter Fifteen

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, Really hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

Zayn's Pov:

I refused to leave Niall's side. I came so close to losing him, I wasn't going to waste one more second of our time together, Nearly losing him, It made me realize that life's to short to worry about what people think, As long as you have love nothing else truly matters. 

"Niall?" I said, Looking at my lover laying in a hospital bed. 

"Yeah?" Niall replied. 

"Promise me you won't ever scare me like that again, That you won't ever put yourself in harms way like that" I said. 

"I can't make you that promise Zayn, Because I know if we was in that situation all over again, I'd do the same thing again, I'd do anything to keep you safe Zi, I'd fight off any kind of danger, Regardless of the risks, Or the final outcome" Niall spoke.

"But your life means so much more to me then my own, If you would have died I don't know what I would have done with myself" I admitted. 

"You can't keep doing this Zi" Niall said carefully taking my hand. 

"Doing what?" I asked.

"Living with what if's. I did wake up Zayn, That at the end of the day is all that mattered, I knew I had to come back, I had to come back to you, I wouldn't leave you in this world alone" Niall said. 

"I thought I was going to lose you, I asked you to move one part of your body, But you didn't you didn't move one thing Niall, After that I gave up" I admitted. 

"I'm here now, I always will be" Niall replied, Raising his hand to wipe away the tears that were falling. "Zayn we need to sort this out, Once and for all" Niall said, I nodded my head. 

"Ok but were only allowing one person from both our gangs here, I don't want you being over crowded" I replied. Niall nodded his head choosing Josh, I decided to go for Liam, I could explain things better with him. 

A few hours later Liam and Josh had arrived. I made them both promise not to kill eachother, They agreed only for the fact that Niall was hurt. The minute I allowed them inside Josh rushed to Niall's side. 

"Niall I'm so sorry this happened, We should have protected you, We should have fought together" He said. 

"No, Don't you see Josh, This wouldn't have happened if we wasn't fighting in the first place" Niall shot back. 

"Look we didn't call you both here to argue. We called you here so you could listen to our side of the story" I said taking a seat next to Niall on the bed. Liam and Josh glared at eachother before sitting down. 

"Look we don't expect you guys to ever get along, Infact we don't expect our families to ever bury the bad blood that's there, But you see that's all it is, The fight it's not between me and Niall, Or even you guys, It's between our fathers. We take on the bad blood because it's our family, Because of the loyalty we have to eachother, But the thing is love can over come the loyalty, Like it has for me and Ni" I said. 

"Look around you this is where this fight has brought us, I nearly died" Niall spoke, Those words sent shivers down my spine, Niall noticed because he pulled my body closer to his "Liam, I know you saw the pain in Zayn's eyes the past few days, And Josh, I know you saw the hurt in Zayn's body when I got hurt, Josh the hurt you felt is exactly the same hurt Zayn felt".

"And Liam if it was Danielle who got hurt, You would have felt the same pain too" I finished Niall's sentence. "Look were not asking you guys to respect our relationship, But were in one whether you like it or not, And it's not going to change. We did nothing wrong, We fell inlove with eachother, The same way both you guys have fell inlove before. Love can overpower everything else, This isn't wrong, So don't try make it out to be, It's love, So you can either be our friends and respect it, Or you can leave us to walk away" I said gripping Niall's hand tightly. Liam stood up from his chair nodding his head, He slowly began to walk towards the bed, So I stood up standing protectively infront of Niall. 

"Your life is your own Zayn. The choices you make are yours alone. We may be your gang, But we can't control your life, If this is the path you've chosen to take, I'll respect your decision" Liam said, I sighed in relief before pulling him into a hug. You could always count on Liam to understand the love aspect of life, See everything he does, Is done for Danielle. "Harry already feels bad for what happened, Louis, he listens to whatever Harry says, But I'll speak to them all". 

"Thank you Li" I said. We pulled away and I looked to Niall who was staring at Josh. 

"Josh?" Niall said. 

"Is this really what you want Niall?" Josh asked. 

"Do you think I would be doing it if it wasn't? Josh you know me better then anybody else, I love him" Niall replied. 

"What about us Niall? What about your loyalty to us?" Josh hit back. 

"What about my loyalty to myself! What about the loyalty I have to my heart Josh! You guys are my family that's never going to change but, I fell inlove Josh, Tell me what's so wrong about that?" Niall said. 

"It's him, Hes what's wrong!" Josh yelled. 

"So if it was anybody else you would support it?" Niall asked.

"Of course, Because you love them" 

"So why is Zayn any different? I love him, What makes this so different?" Niall asked. Josh didn't reply "See there's no difference Josh, Mate I'm not asking you as your gang member, I'm asking you as a friend, Respect my wishes please, I'm doing this with or without your blessing, But it would be nice to know I have the support of my oldest and most loyal friend" Niall spoke. 

"You do have my support Niall" Josh whispered. 

"Prove it" Niall said, Josh stood up taking a deep breath before walking over to me, He extended his hand, Which I immediately took, We shook hands he gave me a small warming smile. Liam and Josh both agreed to speak to the gangs on behalf of me and Niall, All we could do was wait for the outcome. 

Three days later Niall was able to come home. We stayed at my childhood cottage. Right now we was sitting infront of the roaring fire, Niall had his body resting gently against mine, I had my arms wrapped around his waist trying as carefully as I could not to touch his ribcage, I didn't want to cause him any pain. A small smile played upon my lips and a little chuckle escaped my mouth.

"What?" Niall said looking at me. 

"I was just thinking of something" I replied. 

"What's that?" Niall asked. 

"The first time we came here, You remember? It was the first night we made love to eachother, The night we became one" I said smiling at Niall. 

"You mean the night you couldn't keep it in your trousers" Niall replied chuckling.

"Well it ain't my fault you looked so damn sexy, If it wasn't so cold I would have had you right there in the park" I replied winking at him. Niall chuckled before punching me lightly. 

"Kinky fucker, But we can't do anything like that Zayn, Not for a while, At least until my ribs are healed" Niall said.

"Ni, This relationship, It's not about sex, I don't care if we never have sex again, As long as I get to hold you in my arms, Hear you say I love you, And wake up next to your beautiful face, Everyday for the rest of my life, I will be happy with that" I replied. 

"I really do love you Zayn Malik" Niall replied. 

"I love you Niall Horan" I replied, Gently kissing him before standing up. "You know, I swore to myself when you woke up I would do this for real, Now I get the chance to" I got down on one knee infront of Niall, And a deep red blush spread across his features. "Niall Horan, Will you make me the happiest person in the world, and marry me?" I asked pulling out a small gold band. A big massive smile broke across Niall's face. 

"Yes! God yes!" Niall yelled throwing himself into my arms. 

Anything could happen now, But I didn't care, Niall was ok, He was here with me, And soon he would be my husband nobody is taking this happiness away from me. 

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