Chapter One

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Heya guys here's the first chapter of the story, Really hope you like it, Leave me your feedback.

Zayns Pov:

Being in a gang people call it dangerous. That it's for good for nothing wastes of spaces. People who have no life plan's join gangs, But your all wrong. It's all about loyalty, Your gang is just like your family, there people you can turn to with anything and they understand because there going through it too. I'm Zayn Malik and I'm involved in a gang. Cuts and bruises what are they really? There only small things that fade into nothing maybe little scars but that's all. A cut is just like a papercut slices so deep the pain is there for an instant then its gone. From cuts blood is produced, Again the blood dripping down can also be beautiful. Bruises? There just blends of different colours that again fade. Fighting. Being in a gang it's all about survival of the fittest, Being the stronger man, Proving your top dog. I suppose your all wondering how I got involved in all of this? Well I'm the son of Yaser Malik back in the day he was top dog around the place, People knew his name and they feared it, Now it's up to me to continue that legacy.

"Zayn your father would like to see you in his office" One of our many maids said, I never bothered to learn there names what was the point?

"Alright" I mumbled putting out my cigarette, "I'm coming" I walked into the house and straight to my dads study, I walked in without knocking and my father was sitting there "You wanted to see me?" I asked.

"Yes, Son we have business to attend too. Word has reached my ear of a new gang moving to Bradford from Ireland, I looked into this and found the leader of the gang is the same age as you. The family name is Horan, They are well feared around Ireland but we cannot let them over power us Zayn. They need to be taught who runs the place. You and the boys need to go and meet this new gang let them know who's in charge and make sure they get the message loud and clear" My father explained.

"No worries. I got this" I said with no hesitation in my voice. 

Just our luck it decides to fucking piss down. Normally in the movies when there's big confrontations it rains, But it ain't that fucking amazing in reality were cold, Wet, Hungry and probably going to get the flu.  All for some new poxy gang thinking they can come and take over our terf! We were walking down the street when we saw a big group of boys standing around, that must be them. I marched straight up to them I was in no mood to fuck around I was gagging for a drink and a cigarette. 

"Horan?" I yelled standing right infront of them. They all looked from one another then a boy with blonde hair started walking towards me, I have to admit I was expecting someone abit well bigger but fuck it! He was wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap so I couldn't see his face.

"Who wants to know?" He asked a thick Irish accent obvious in his voice.

"Malik, Zayn Malik" I replied. The boy removed his sunglasses and then his baseball cap and honestly I was stunned, He was so beautiful.

"And what can I do for you Malik, Zayn Malik" Niall replied mocking me.

"I want you off my terf" I spat.

"Well what we want and what we get is two very different things" He replied with a smirk.

"Either you leave Horan or I'm gonna make you leave" I warned him.

"Do your worst Malik" Niall chuckled before walking off. I was absolutely gobsmacked. Nobody has ever stood up to me like that before. 

I think I underestimated this boy. They say keep your friends close and your enemies closer lets see how that works out for me.

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