Chapter 15

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You held onto your ankle looking up at the 7 foot drop. Hissing in pain you seeing Ji Sung hang his head out, "You bitch" he yelled before turning away and running off down the hall.

You tried to stand up, hissing in pain as your ankle throbbed. Dark spots formed around your eyes, getting dizzy from the pain. Shaking your head you limped away hoping to find some place to hide.

You were almost running at this point despite the pain, "Get your ass back heel you heard Ji Sung yell.

Looking behind you seeing him marching towards you. With a panic you turned and started walking faster. The adrenaline helping you run through the pain. Your heart pounded In your chest as your ran through the Forrest.

Dodging trees and hills, almost tripping over dirt and roots you managed to find a place to hide for the time being. You could still hear his foot steps in the distance.

"(Y/N), baby you better come out. I don't want to have to hurt you" he called out clearly angry.

You held your mouth closed, as you quietly panted from running. Closing your eyes as your ankle throbbed with pain, having its own heartbeat.

You shuffled back behind the roots that hung down the entrance of a hidden cave as Ji Sung walked by, "You will regret this" he warned.

You heart raced more as you saw his pale face and dark eyes searching for you. They stopped staring dead at you. Closing your eyes in fear you waited quietly until his feet began to move away from you.

When you no longer heard him, a soft cry left your mouth. You had no clue where you were or how far from Jungkook you were.

You missed him so much, unable to wait for his strong arms to embrace you and comfort your shaky self. You covered your mouth to muffle the tears that began to pour out of your eyes.

"Don't worry Kookie-jagi I'm gonna come home" you sobbed out quietly looking at the stars.

"Are you looking at them too? They're pretty and shinning brightly on us" you whisper wiping your tears.

"Jungkook, I'm safe. I was I could tell you that. You must be so worried about be. I'm coming home soon." You whispered.

You couldn't leave the cave since it was dark and Ji Sung could still be lingering out there. It was so eerie, thinking how a man is out there searching for you. Scared of what he might do if he found you, bringing your knees closer and hissing in pain again.

You sat there and waited until darkness consumed you into dreamland.


I saw him in the distance, cheerfully calling out to him you ran and ran. He smiled calling your name out and running to you before tightly wrapping his arms around you.

"I thought I lost you" he whisper in your ears tearfully, "But, here you are. Safe" he gasped out.

Soon you were both on your knees, hugging, and a sobbing mess.

"I'm home Kookie" you said smiling as he kissed your cheeks and forehead.

"You are. I can see that" he joked, making you laugh, "I missed that smile of yours" he said running his finger along your lips.

Darkness than began to consume him, "Jungkook!" You gasped calling out as he was jerked away from you.

You looked around for him, unable to find him. That's when he emerged with...

A gasped left your lips, "No please. Ji Sung" you begged as a gun was pointed at the now unconscious Jungkook.


"I wanted you didn't I?" He asked looking at him. 

It was like he couldn't see or hear you. You began to run towards them, yelling for him to stop, when a force knocked you back.

You placed you hand on this invisible force, helplessly staring at your love, lying on the ground.

"I warned you to not come for her. But, you did" Ji Sung said with pure evil in his voice , "now it's time to pay"


I screamed out, "no" as his body fell lifelessly. My hand and body feeling weak, falling onto the ground as I only watched.

"Why" I asked sobbing as I stared at Ji Sung who laughed menacingly.

Your hand fell through as the force diminished. Crawling towards his body you held onto him. Placing his head on you lap, stroking his hair.

"I'm sorry" you sobbed out.

Ji Sung only laughed and crouched beside you. "It's beautiful isn't it?" He asked lifting your chin to look at him, "no worried about him. You have me anyways"

With that a power came over you, weaken your mind, "yes. You are right" you said.

No that isn't right. I would never say that.

You let go of Jungkook and stop beside Ji Sung taking his hand, "You're all I need" you whispered in his ears.

He smiled, "That's what I like to hear princess" he said placing a kiss on the top of your head.

The two of you walked away from Jungkooks corpse. Your mind screaming for you to stop and wake up.

You tossed and turned as your dream went nice to dark.

"You can never leave this place" Ji Sung demanded.

Your now controlled body nodded, "I would never want to leave you Sir" you said.

"Please stop"

Your mind screamed out at you.

"You can't just leave him like that. Don't you love him!?"

Your body ignored your demands to stop and think. You no longer had control over it.

I was jolted awake by a force grabbing into my leg. With a loud scream I was pulled out to face a very angry Ji Sung.

With horror you stared at your kidnapper. You couldn't move, fear had completely taken over your mind and body. Your heart pounded in your chest, threatening to jump out when he spoke,

"You thought you could run did you?"

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