Chapter 10

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Jungkook scrolled through the media reading all the comments about (Y/N) kidnap. His eyes growing heavier by the second, yet he was unable to sleep. Jungkook hasn't slept in four days. Worry began to make him sick to his stomach.

"Im so worried for (Y/N)-Noona. I hope she will be found safe and sound quickly!" A fan had wrote on Twitter.

"She got what she deserved. No one liked her anyways" A antifan said.

"I hope she is found dead"

"I hope Dongsaeng is ok and Kookie-oppa is getting proper rest. He must be so worried about his love."

"Polic-" Jungkook was forced to stop reading when Taehyung confiscated his phone.

"Scrolling will only make it worse Jungkooki-ah." He said.

Jungkook frowned looking up at Taehyung before he rolled over in his bed, "Try to get some rest." He suggested

"How can I? When all I see is her." Jungkook asked, "And I'm forced to lay here and do nothing. While horrible things could be happening to her" He turned back to look up at Taehyung with tears in his eyes.

"She gonna be ok. Some rat has her for a reason. He will get bored when she doesn't bring in money. Or when the police barges into his ungrateful house and locks him up. You'll be there to take her shaking, crying self into your arms and protect her once more. She will be back. Believe me when I say this. They won't kill her if they are using her for money. It sick I know." Tae Hyung said.

"They'll use her body for money. That's mine." Jungkook yelled, sitting up, using his hands for support as he faced Taehyung.

"Jungkook. May I ask? Is she a Virgin still." He asked looking at me.

Jungkook shook his head looking at Taehyung confused. "But, that still won't mean anything." He said.

Taehyung sighed, "I won't scold you for that. But, maybe if she isn't a Virgin. She won't give them the money they want." He explained.

Jungkook shook his head, "Anyone would want to screw an idol." He said bluntly.

Taehyung gave him another scolding look, "Just sleep!" He demanded, laying beside him and gently wrapping his arms around him. Pulling Jungkook close to him as he shyly nuzzled his head into Jungkook's chest

"I'll stay here if it will help in any way." He mumbled

Jungkook smiled softly at Hyung, "more like you'll need me" Jungkook said caressing his hair.

It wasn't gay, just real close friends, Tae-Hyung has always been there for Jungkookie. More than any of the the other Hyungs. Yes, Jungkook always went to RM for advice, only because he was wiser than the others. The Hyungs are normally complete idiots until any other member is hurt.

Then we try everything in our power to help. Taehyung was doing a good job, but, Jungkook was still unable to sleep. He laid thee staring up at the ceiling, "(Y/N)-Jagi" He whispered out. "Please be ok. I'm coming for you. I told you I would come fetch you. Just hold on a little longer for me." He whisphered, wiping his tears away.

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