Chapter 9: On The Town With Tony

616 5 1

Evelyn's POV

I smile" Pleasure to meet you Happy." I say softly as he opens the door to the car. Tony and I slide in"

"So,Frosty I don't normally spend time with spend time with strangers,but I feel a pull toward you. Oddly." Tony says as Happy drives off.

I chuckle"Well,  I feel honored,but won't Steve feel jealous?" I say.

Tony laughs"Oh,I hope he does. Knock his ego down a peg."

I snort"Says the guy with the biggest ego I have ever seen."

He fakes a hurt look making me laugh. As Happy drives Tony shows me how a cell phone works and introduces me to selfies. I giggle as we take over 100 of them and he post a few of them to this app called Instagram. We pull up to a mall and enter.

I gasp" Holy Cow. So many shops." I say amazed.

Tony chuckles"Come on. Time to get you into this century." he says bringing me into the phone store and helps me pick out a phone and laptop. Then we go to several other shops Tony buying me an entire wardrobe as I protest. We finally stop in the foodcourt and get the shawarma Tony keeps talking about.

 We finally stop in the foodcourt and get the shawarma Tony keeps talking about

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"So. We just met. Why are you doing this for me?"I ask confused.

" I feel like I already know you. Growing up my dad never stopped talking about you and Cap. He told me stories of your adventures and Aunt Peggy would tell me more. I always did hope we would meet." he explains.

I smile softly" I'm glad they talked about me."

Tony and I eat and talk getting to know each other quickly becoming best friends. We leave the mall and load the bags in the car and on the way to a minigolf course he helps me setup my phone. We talk about his work and I add some outside perspective to a few things he is working on. Once we arrive we get out and go play giggling and goofing off the press gathering.

"Hey,that's cheating Tony!" I accuse as I giggle watching him toss the ball into the hole.

He laughs" Prove it. It says get the ball in the hole. Never says how." he says.

I smile"Always find a way around the rules?" I ask.

He nods"It's what I do."

We get to the tower around 10 pm laughing and carrying bags inside to my temporary room.

"Sir. Captain Rogers has called for you. " Jarvis says.

"Told you." I tell Tony smiling.

"What does Capcicle want Jarvis?"Tony ask.

"To discuss your day out with Miss Carter." Jarvis replies.

I rub my face"Jealous. He is jealous."

Tony laughs"I'll see you tomorrow with breakfast." he walks out leaving me alone with my thoughts. I change into pj's and come back into my room to see Steve sitting on my bed still in his suit and looking upset.

 I change into pj's and come back into my room to see Steve sitting on my bed still in his suit and looking upset

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