>E I G H T<

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Extending his hand, Louis sighs once Harry's lips press themselves onto his flesh in greeting, "How are you feeling?"

It was the first visit the two had of each other where Luke or Zayn didn't stay in the room, "Good," Louis whispers eyes drifting to Harry's attire that day. He wore all black, stiff in a suit, "W-work?"

"I came from work," Harry answers smoothing his suit down as he sits in the chair adjacent from Louis on the sofa, "How are the babies?" The younger one places his hand on his stomach gesturing to them as well, he smiles glancing at the bump that swelled, "Good, L-luke sa-say the heartbeat is-is good." Louis manages tears pricking his eyes as he talks about the babies to Harry. The man should already know this! 

Louis shouldn't be a visitor seeing his husband, and Harry shouldn't have to ask about his kids.

"H-how are you?" Harry clears his throat at the question glancing at his watch as he adjusts himself in the seat, "Fine, uh, I'm fine honey."

The submissive licks his lips another sigh escaping him, "Pills?"

"I'm taking my pills baby," Harry swears to remove himself off the chair, he kneels down in front of Louis taking his hands in his once more; the man swallows the thick lump building in his throat, "Honestly Baby, I'm sick, I'm nothing without you at home. I-I miss you, a-and the babies." Louis too sniffles as he wipes at his eyes taking his hands from Harry's, "B-babies not here yet."

"Christ Lou I know they're not here! But why won't you come home?!" Seeing the eyes darken, Louis rises from the sofa holding onto his stomach for balance, "'c-cause you there." 

"b-because I'm there?" Harry asks his voice cracking, Louis says nothing more leaving the room with tears traveling down his cheeks and landing at his feet on the hardwood floors.

>Small, but still an update. Lots of Love, Emma :)<

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