> S I X T E E N <

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I AM RE-WRITING TELL ME WHEN IT HURTS ONE! Though the changes are minimal, they are there, and it will only SLIGHTLY affect the storyline for the second book. The ORIGINAL storyline will be put in another book, published if you ever wanted to go back and read the shitty writing that it is. Either way, I will update once the new one is out - but keep in mind there will only be a SLIGHT change. Okay, enjoy!

Two Weeks.

Fourteen days.

Louis stands with his hands secured on his hips, head tilted, lips pursed as he counts the days he had yet to cross off of the month.

Harry suddenly strolls behind him bumping into the man muttering an apology, "W-we go?" Louis asks softly his eyes widening as his hands grab his stomach, "We'll go soon," Harry assures glancing up from the phone in his hands, "Are you in pain?" Fearing his husband was trying to alert him of something happening, Louis' features soften from concern as he shakes his head, "N-no hurt,"

"Tell me if it hurts, Baby," Harry commands pecking his cheek before continuing down the hall.

Taking his seat in the rocking chair, Louis sighs scanning the nursery that was finally complete. He smiles staring at the empty two cribs, soon they'd be full. His hands rest on his stomach using the ball of his feet to push the chair back and forth in a lulling motion.
Humming quietly to himself, Louis closes his eyes being in the silence of the room with peace. 

Knocking on the door alarms him, jolting Louis from his daze as he gasps bolting upright with fear-stricken eyes, "Baby," Harry calls softly in greeting, he enters the room kneeling in front of Louis' rocking chair pressing his lips to Louis' stomach, "My babies,"

Running a hand through Harry's soft curls, Louis hopes his babies have them. He'd dreamed of both of his babies looking just like his husband. 

Mini Harry's.

He'd only cried a few times at the idea of having Mini Harold's.

Harry himself had even cried at the idea.

The thought that one of his little's would be a bit like him scared Harry to the point of ending things. He didn't want to hurt Louis or his children.

Although when his mind went dark he had his husband and thanks to his new therapist, the drugs, to help pull him out and place him back in reality.

A place where he was loved, and all was forgiven.

Staring into his husband's oceanic eyes, Harry hums, "I adore you,"


"It means I love you." Louis giggles locking hands with Harry, "A-adore you,"

Gemma brings the napkin toward her lips sending Louis a warm smile as she sighs in content, "One week?"

"We'll go in tomorrow, hopefully they'll induce him,"

"T-that mean?" Louis asks, Harry stands from his chair offering Louis his hand to help the submissive stand, "It means that hopefully we'll have our babies tomorrow." 

"Tomorrow?!" Louis shrieks his arms wrapping themselves around his husband, "H-hold 'dem?!" Harry secures his hands on Louis' hips pulling him in for a kiss, "Yes baby, tomorrow."

> NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE MUCH LONGER - Thank you for the patience in waiting for this one, I'm sorry it's short. Two weeks the next one will be posted, All the love, Emma :)

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