> T H I R T Y <

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Shuffling papers around on his desk, Harry glances to the corner where he sees the baby monitor, it shows both babies sleeping soundly. His lips lift in smile at the screen, sighing he returns his stare to the computer screen seeing an email from Angela. He feels his throat tighten, shakily moving the cursor toward the email pressing down on the mouse to reveal the contents of the message.

"Call me when you can, we know,"

The room began spinning, his head throbbing as he chews his bottom lip sinking back in the chair with a short exhale, just when he had felt a tinge of relief - here it was again harboring on what happened.

Harry can't help but feel disgust staring at his wedding band, he loved his husband more than anything in the world, but can't shake the vile fear he has when he feels suffocated by the ring. The pressure, the nightmare of everything that had happened. He always thought Harold would be the one that tore their family apart.

Luke clears his throat gaining his husband's attention, the pair had been sitting in the doctor's office waiting for an update on the growing baby in Luke's stomach. He'd attended the appointments by himself, until today when Zayn finally asked to join him.

Things had been hard between the two recently.

Zayn blamed himself for what happened to Louis while Luke felt he was at fault completely. Oceanic eyes meet the burning hazel ones across from him, "Are you okay?" His once strong voice cracks on the last word, exposing the unchartered territory between the two. This would be the first rough patch of the ten-year relationship.

Things worked with Zayn and Luke. Their relationship made sense to them, and that was always enough to compete with any ill intentions from others or their own heads.

"I'm here," Zayn admits weakly, he plasters a small smile gesturing to Luke, "H-How are you?"

"We-we're here," Luke cries keeping a hand on his stomach to include the baby, it was a fear that after the incident with Louis, Zayn wouldn't be okay with this. He wouldn't want to be a father anymore.

"Luke Malik?" 

Rising when his name is called, Louis collects his bag freezing when his hand is captured, Zayn nods supportively toward him, and Luke nods himself pulling Zayn behind him to the patient's room.

Returning the phone to the receiver, Harry leans on his desk staring out the window with tears flowing down his cheeks.

He'd stopped wiping them two minutes into the call. He wasn't strong enough for this.

Rain pelted the side of the house, Harry thankful the thudding noise on the roof was enough to cover his sobs, at the first announcement of the sudden findings Harry threw the books he had on his desk to the floor.

He was angry. He was hurt. Harry felt every ounce of depression run through his veins begging him to destroy something. Hurt someone the way he felt hurt.

Then the second round of information was explained, and the hurt remained but the anger diminished.

There was no anger.

There only laid inconceivable damage beyond repair. This would break them. 

Harry was to blame, he had started a chain of events long before he knew Louis that ruined his life, and he used Louis as an anchor and drowned the boy in the process.

Harry was broken, he wasn't fixable. Even with the pills and the therapy, there within the darkness lingered Harold. He always stuck around, waiting for the wrong time to rear his ugly head.

Pushing open the door to the nursery, he feels foreign. His eyes skim the room he hadn't stepped foot into in weeks. Louis can't help but feel out of place in the room. As if he shouldn't be allowed inside. 

He sniffles curling his arms tighter around himself, peering into the cribs he feels his mouth crack from its emotionless frown it's worn for weeks on end, it lifts in a weak attempt of a somber smile with tears pricking his eyes seeing Trenton move in his sleep turning onto his stomach. His babies were growing so fast.

Tallulah rests on her back, and the pacifier she had been given lays next to her head with the pouty lips she gets from Louis remaining on full display.

The tears trickle down Louis' cheeks, his babies didn't deserve this. Harry didn't deserve this.

Scanning the room once more Louis can't help the ache in his throat when he sees the quote he'd had printed on the wall above the cribs, "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."

While he'd originally fallen in love with the quote for Harry's sake, Louis felt comforted by the assurance. He'd spent the last couple of months in darkness. Louis craved the light.

Regretfully turning in his office, Harry feels shitty at the mess his help would have to clean from his raging fit.

Books were strewn everywhere, and even his computer had been shoved off his desk in his rage-induced tantrum.

He's calmer now. His phone brightened with a notification, clicking view he sees six missed calls from Liam, three from Kerri, and two from Gemma even.

Exiting the office Harry wipes his eyes once more knowing he needed to check in on the babies before he could allow himself to turn in for another sleepless night with Louis three doors down.

Halting at the bottom of the stairs, Harry's staring at his phone figuring he could at least return Liam's call before ending his night. Pressing call he brings the phone to his ear glancing up at the top of the stairs where he gasps almost dropping the phone.

"Harry turn on the news-"

While he can hear Liam's voice on the other end, he places the phone down by his side staring wide-eyed at the man that's making his way downstairs timidly.

"H-hey," Harry calls out shakily, Louis pausing when he's two steps away from Harry, "Hi,"

Harry's phone drops to the floor, his hands slowly extending to Louis, "Let me," he begs, Louis placing his hand in Harry's with a slow nod, "I-I know baby, I-I know everything," Admitting that he knew what happened to Louis is enough to relieve the boy of the guilt, he collapses in his husband's arms with a sob, Harry stepping back as he holds him crying himself.

"This is your baby," The woman remarks using the tool to slide around Luke's stomach, Zayn's standing next to the bed his hand still captured in Luke's, the pair making eye contact tears pricking the older ones as he kisses Luke's forehead, "T-that's our baby," he cries, Luke sniffles embracing Zayn's face, "O-our baby," he repeats, both laughing as they return their eyes to the screen in awe.

The woman smiles stopping on a section of the belly, "Do you want to know the gender?"

>Happy 28 day :)

>All the love, Emma :) 

> Complete side note - if you play sims 4 - the high school expansion pack drops today, get ready to play a broken game besties 🥲 <

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