> T W E N T Y T W O <

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Nestled in bed with his two babies next to him, Louis sighs contently glancing over his shoulder when he heard the familiar trudging sound of footsteps in the hallway.


Stilling his breathing to hear a reply, he chews the inside of his cheek when silence is returned.

"Kerri?" Assuming that it could be one of the help or even one of Harry's assistants, Louis feels a numbing chill as once more he's met with silence.

Glazing at the sleeping children beside him, Louis sighs pressing his lips to Trenton's head closest to him, he removes himself from the bed wrapping his housecoat tighter around his waist.

He'd been told by Harry that morning that he'd be late with a meeting, the man had been trying all week to find the right therapist and thought he'd finally found the one.

"Harry?" Beckoning once more for his husband, Louis whimpers stepping from the safety of the room into the barren hallway.

He's grateful for the night lights that he'd begged the older man for, as they illuminate a path towards the staircase. 

Pattering across the hardwood floor, Louis halts hearing the footsteps again, "Hello?"

Patting the pocket of his housecoat he curses remembering that he'd left his phone on the nightstand charging.

Glancing over his shoulder towards his bedroom door he sees it left open, he stands now at the top of the stairs peering into the dark entry below.

It led into the grand dining room, the light was on, Louis finding this odd as he knew he'd turned it off before retreating upstairs for the evening.

Harry couldn't stand lights being on.

Inhaling deeply, Louis descends the stairs his breath hitching when he's on the second to last step and the footsteps shuffle in the room next to him.

He sees the shadow of a person flicker onto the floor from the light pouring into the room.

Tears burned his eyes, he places a hand over his mouth stepping back onto the third stair praying he didn't make a sound.

Counting the seconds until the footsteps softened meaning they'd moved onto another room, Louis feels all color drain from his face realizing he was alone in the house with someone who wasn't his husband or help.

Turning to run up the stairs chills thumb down his spine when the sudden cry of Trenton rings from the master bedroom, it's blaring in the deafening silence of the night.

Louis flinches hearing the footsteps start toward him, he runs upstairs sliding once he reached the top. Pushing himself to his feet he glances at the entryway seeing a person moving quickly in the shadow, shrieking, Louis dashes to the master bedroom closing and locking the door behind him. 

He sobs aloud shaking all over as he fumbles to the side of the bed where his phone is laid on the nightstand. Shakily he dials for the emergency number Harry had set to speed dial, "Help-help!" Louis begs into the phone lifting Trenton from the bed attempting to soothe him in the process, Sniffling, Louis yelps hearing someone pound on the bedroom door, he chokes out his address pleading for someone to come quickly to his and his babies aid.

Bringing Tallulah in his arms as well, Louis shushes them sliding down against the wall sobbing for his daddy to save them.

It's sudden when the banging stops, Louis furrowing his eyebrows, the twins had even stopped, the house returned to an eery silence, his breath hitches when in return of the banging is a new sound, a voice;

"Louis? I have a right to see my babies, Louis. I know you're in there."

Slapping a hand over his mouth Louis wants to scream knowing the voice belonged to Eleanor. 

>Look at me updating so soon. Also look at me leaving a cliffhanger, ah. Just like old times. All the love, Emma :) 

>Hehe just kidding - Vote - then go to the next chapter :)

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