> T W E N T Y O N E <

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Taking the offered glass of champagne in his hand, Louis offers a small smile towards Harry's business partner's wife. She had stayed rooted to the man most of the evening, unknowingly to Louis what for, but he assumes it was at the order of Harry.

"H-how old?" Louis asks gesturing towards the woman's daughter, she brightens glancing at the two herself, "My oldest is sixteen, she's not from me, and my youngest is six months." Admitting the position of "step-mother", Louis raises an eyebrow, "S-she dom?"

The woman laughs shaking her head, "Oh heavens no, the girl couldn't hurt a fly. She's a submissive," 

Louis feels his heart drop at the woman's words, his own mother always spoke about Louis not being able to "hurt a fly", he nods tilting the glass towards his lips, "U-Until she-she has too," he mutters strolling away from her before she could question him.

He had wanted to find Harry, but would settle for Liam seeing the man sitting alone at the table watching Niall dance fondly with another submissive, "Hey you," Liam greets seeing Louis first, "H-hey," Louis returns taking a seat, "Y-you see da-daddy?"

"He was with Matthew a bit ago, maybe he's moved on since. Are you okay?" Addressing the most important concern, Louis admittedly shakes his head feeling tears prick his eyes.

He never wanted to come to this stupid party, it was his first moment away from his babies and he was on edge. Harry had whipped him before they even entered the ballroom for sobbing "like a child". He had taken Louis' phone to ensure the man didn't contact the nanny or his brother to ask for a ride home.

It made Louis feel trapped.

"N-no," Louis sobs bringing his hand to his eyes not wanting to cause a scene that resulted in an even worse punishment at home.

Liam frowns grabbing Louis' hand comfortingly, "What can I do to help?" the submissive lifts his head meeting the chocolate eyes Liam wears so delicately, "C-call nanny," Louis whispers, he just need to reaffirm to himself that everything was okay.

There wasn't enough champagne to dissolve his worry.

Liam brings his phone out scanning the area for Harry, he knew the man must've been on one with how Louis was acting. "Do you know the number?" Louis nods typing it in bringing the phone to his ear.

He feels his chest tighten when the call isn't answered.

Hauntingly it rings and rings, until silence.

Louis shakily exhales patting the suit he was forced into for the piece of paper the number was scribbled on, ensuring he had every number right he re-types it panicking when again all he hears is a ringing line.

Visibly paling, Louis feels sickness rise in his throat, the glasses of champagne that might've managed to make him slightly tipsy dissolve as he feels his head lighten. Shooting from the chair hurriedly, he darts his earthy eyes around the room trying to locate Harry.

Liam's voice sounds distant from the boy, the man's phone trapped in Louis' hand as he sways away from the table whimpering.

Louis can't seem to catch his breath bringing a hand to his chest, his eyes rolling into the back of his head before passing out.

"That was a shitty thing to do!" Liam roars, Harry stands with his arms crossed over his chest staring dejectedly at his husband in their bed. He'd been stripped of his blazer, the button-up undone and untucked for his own comfort.

Taking a seat on the bed next to the man, he brushes hair from his forehead, Liam glaring at the man, "You went too far-"

"I just wanted us to have a night, Liam!" Harry returns rising from the bed once more, "We-we just fucking fight all the time, and-and this was our one night away from the twins-"

"He's a new parent, Harry! Don't you think he'd want the freedom to check in!?"

Realizing how over the line his stunt was, and quite selfish, Harry sighs heavily sliding down the wall onto the floor. He brings his knees to his chest running a hand through his hair, "I-I love him so damn much,"


"No, No Liam. I love him, w-why do I hurt him?" Liam joins his friend on the floor taking Harry's hand meeting his emerald eyes, "Because you're hurt. You need help, Harry." Admitting the obvious, Liam feels stronger this time announcing it into the room knowing it finally wouldn't be heard by deaf ears.

"Do-do you think he'll forgive me?" Harry asks softly, "I think he'd forgive a lot faster if you got help to ensure it never happened again." 

Groaning, Harry lets his head rest against the wall with a grim chuckle, tears spilling down his cheeks, "Wh-what would I even say to a shrink?" Liam rises from the floor heading to the door, "You tell them when it hurts,"

>Okay but like that ending is smooth. 

This chapter is small, I'm sorry :(, but - regular updates are in the works for ya folks! All the love, stay safe out there, ~Emma :) <

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