> T W E N T Y N I N E <

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*Trigger Warning : when you see * if you are or could be triggered by Rape, Sexual Assault, Graphic Writing, please stop reading until you see another *

"Do you ever finish?"

Louis furrows his eyebrows at Luna's blunt question, he felt like he understood, but also felt the need to tilt his head to the side admitting his own confusion to see if she really meant what she asked.

She has her knees to her chest, her grey eyes travel to Louis' oceanic orbs, bringing her bottom lip between her teeth as noticeable tears well in her eyes, "W-with S-Stan, do-do you ever finish?"

Blush paints Louis' cheeks as she rephrases the question, he shakes his head softly glancing at the floor with shame, he knew it was frowned upon to not take pleasure in what your dominant gave you.

Luna nods sniffling, tears spill onto her cheeks, "I have, mostly to shut him up," She confesses wiping her eyes with the backs of her hands, "I-I uh, I loved him before,"

Louis' eyes widen at the words, Stan's name and the word Love usually didn't fit in the same sentence, in fact, the dreaded man had told Louis several times just how unloveable he was and to never expect it.

"I was pregnant, I thought he'd be excited to be a father," Pausing, Luna swallows the thick lump in her throat, "Instead he beat me, forced me to have an abortion. Told me I'd never have kids, I'd never be a mother." Once more her eyes find Louis', she offers him a half-smile with tears falling from her chin, "Then came you," she adds sweetly.

Shrinking into himself at the horror story Luna felt the apparent need to tell all of a sudden, he flinches at her deep inhale, "When-when he finishes, knee him. Right, right in the fucking crotch." She gestures to her own bruised knees, "He doesn't fuck me from the front anymore, but you," pointing to the boy she shared a basement with, "You have a chance,"

"It's completely normal to hear them," Nurse Jenna assures, she squeezes Louis' shoulder as the submissive glares subtly at his husband with a smirk saying, "Told 'ya so", Harry per usual had been attempting to be an asshole telling the nurse at Louis' post-partum appointment that his husband said he sometimes heard baby cries even when the babies weren't crying.

When Louis first mentioned hearing the cries Harry chalked it up to the man's silly mind playing tricks on him. Though when it progressed to Louis attempting to bring the babies into the shower with him just to ensure they really weren't crying, he knew he had to deal with the situation.

"They're called phantom cries, extremely normal for new parents to hear," Harry sighs pressing his lips to Louis' forehead, "It still means they aren't real, it's all in your beautiful head," The nurse chuckles seeing Louis roll his eyes, "Never hurts to check on them, that's the great thing about baby monitors. I heard phantom cries until my children were two,"

After the six-week appointment, Louis had felt like the cries had stopped for the most part. Sometimes he heard them, but with a quick check of the monitor, he felt calm. It's in the car with Hunter that Louis feels a numbness overcome him as he hears a cry drifting in his ear.

It sounds muffled, far away, he feels immense guilt for not being able to give his babies his love.

So sure he was going to die.


"N-o-No-No," Louis wails being backed into a random room, his chest tightens when Hunter chuckles grimly grabbing a box cutter he had handy on the dresser, "Shut the fuck up, get on the bed,"

Louis remains standing the breath leaving his body as the metal from the box cutter digs into his skin, right above his belly button, the scar of his C-section, splitting open as the robe from the spa falls from his shoulders.

He's violently shoved onto the bed, his head banging against the headboard, Louis' vision going blurry, any noise muffled as his ears begin ringing.

He feels the sudden hands, Hunter, feeling his body, sliding under his back raising Louis slightly giving himself easier access. Lips suck on Louis' collar bone as the sudden intrusion has Louis screaming in pain, it loses its volume and turns to air as Hunter grabs tufts of Louis' hair slamming his head once more into the headboard, "I told you to shut the fuck up,"

Hunter thrusts into the man, he grunts, his pace increasing as he hits the height of sex, roughly plowing the man he dips down sliding their chests together, "You love this," he purrs into Louis' ears, the submissive shakes his head opening his eyes towards the window as he hears Hunter gasp about to climax.

"Knee him,"

The box cutter Hunter had in his hand slips falling onto the mattress the sliver blade still exposed.

Louis feels the room start to spin as his vision darkens, he can feel where Hunter dug into his skin is bleeding profusely, it's sudden when in the midst of the ringing in his ears a cry breaks through, Louis harshly biting down on his bottom lip drawing a yelp from him involuntarily bucking his hips upward twisting Hunter who's inside of him climaxing, he takes the chance to use all of his force to drive his knee into Hunter's area.

Louis' hand secures around the plastic handle of the box cutter smashing the blade into Hunter's neck and repeatedly stabbing him until the man falls on top of Louis, heat radiating off him, he has minutes left his hand running a hand through Louis' hair, "Sh-she was right," Louis cries out attempting to push the man off of him, Hunter smirks feeling his neck bringing his hands to his fading view, "E-Eleanor was right,"


"Have we looked into the cameras from the gas station?" Angela asks stupidly, she has been examining the spa and hotel footage all day once more, now feeling as if she had to prove herself right, her colleagues still on the fence about Louis being capable of murder.

"I believe so, young guy said the camera facing the street was busted, but the one inside works. Doesn't show much until Louis gets to the door," Bradley reports glancing over her shoulder at the screen, "If we could tell which way he came from, we might be able to track his steps-"

Bradley shrugs sipping from his coffee, "You do that, I'll be following up on our missing person,"

Angela furrows her eyebrows, "What missing person?"

"Parents called in, said they haven't heard from their son in a while, he's come on vacation here after the death of his sister," Bradley muttered pulling the report the county had sent over, "What happened to his sister?" Angela questioned crossing her arms, "I don't know, some bullshit about a break-in, not much to report,"

Tucking the papers in his arm he turns on his heel when Angela stops him once more, "What was the sister's name?"

"Eleanor, Eleanor Calder,"

~All the love, Emma

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