"Santiago, you probably didn't even give me that," I said, "I bruise e-"

He lifted my shirt from the back as well, sighing as he flexed his jaw muscle.


"Adora, I left bruises on you," he said, his tone clipped.

"Santiago, we were drunk," I said, turning around to face him.

"It doesn't matter," he said, eyebrows furrowed, "I left bruises on you."

"Ever heard of the term you can't control yourself when you're drunk?" I asked, "it's really true, so d-"

"No," he said, rubbing his hands through his hair, "I'm not talking about this."

He walked into the closet and I just sighed, unaware as to why he'd gotten so upset over something so small in my eyes.



Santiago had made absolute sure to keep his distance from me.

I wasn't entirely sure how to react, so I'd let him have his space. I was completely unaware as to why he'd gotten so upset.

It really didn't mean anything to me.

I knew definitely Santiago while drunk was not something him or I could control, so I didn't blame him.

"Hey guys," Santiago greeted, "how was a night with abuelitos?"

"Great!" Josiah exclaimed, "abuelo taught us a lot, actually."

I just giggled and Fred wrapped his arms around my waist. "Hey, Addy."

Santiago just shot me a concerned look, as he'd been doing most of the day already.

Had he seriously thought he'd hurt me?

If that was the case, I'd go out of my way to make him sure that he most definitely did not hurt me.

"Adora, come here!"

I turned my head to be met with Luciana peeking around the corner, waving me over to her. I quickly scurried over to her and she pulled me around the corner, giggling as she opened the drawer beside her.

"Look at this! I found it while I was getting the boys' room cleaned out."

She handed me a tiny scrapbook and I just smiled down at it. She led me into the living room and we plopped down on the couch. She opened the scrapbook and my jaw dropped.

"This is Santiago when he was six," she said, giggling, "in martial arts class."

I just smiled and she flipped through the pages of Santiago's childhood, a broad smile on my face through every picture.

"Ooh, this was him when he was thirteen. Wasn't he a cutie?"

"The boys are spitting images of him, oh my gosh," I said, grinning.

"What are you guys looking at?"

I held up the scrapbook and Santiago just cocked an eyebrow up at his mother.

"Would you like to come and look?" She asked, holding a hand out to him.

I giggled and he rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "Pass."

"He's in a funk," I whispered, flipping to another page.

"Fourteen," she said, "with his first girlfriend."

"Ma," he yelled from the kitchen, making Luciana and I giggle.

"Let's fast forward a few years," she said, "seventeen. He was a stud according to everyone, that's for sure."

Loving the Homewrecker (BOOK 3) Where stories live. Discover now