Chapter 28: Reunited

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Y/n is recovering from being captured and only wants to see one person. Sorry for the wait you guys I'm just returning from a trip and I wanted to update my oneshots first ^_^ Thanks for waiting. Enjoy!

"Back again y/n? What am I going to do with you?"

Recovery Girl's tired voice woke you from your sleep and you shot up immediately. "AH!" you shouted.

"Oh! I-I didn't expect you to get up so soon." she said her grey eyes full of worry. "How do you feel? I healed your wound, but it took away a lot of energy from you...y/n?"

The memories of what had happened came flooding back to you and you grasped at the sides of your head to try and repress them.

I was captured...wounded...

"Y/n." Recovery Girl's firm but soft voice interrupted your rapid thoughts. You gazed at her warm eyes, silently pleading with her to tell you that everything was going to be alright. "You are a very strong girl y/n, but what you just went through was quite an ordeal and the most important things you can do now is to rest. Then it would be best to talk to someone about what happened. I'll always be here for you y/n, if you want to talk to me. It will be alright, trust me."

"T-Thank you Recovery Girl...but is there any way I could see Tamaki now? Is h-he here?" you asked her softly. She nodded her head and said she would go check since the school day ended two hours ago.

A few minutes passed and you were sure that Tamaki must have gone home because he could just see you tomorrow anyway. But when you were just considering taking a nap Tamaki opened the door quietly and called your name. "D-Did you still want to see me y/n?" he asked, pulling up a chair and putting it by your bed.

You bit your lower lip and nodded your head. "Good because Recovery Girl is giving us some alone she put it a-at least. How are you doing y/n?"

"I'm...afraid that I-I might've said something that I shouldn't have." you replied, remembering the inside information that you told them about where the teachers keep the schedules. Guilt swarmed inside you and you hid your face with your hands. "I'm so ashamed." you whispered.

"Y/n." Tamaki muttered, taking your hand in his. You uncovered your face and your eyes met determined black ones. "You shouldn't feel ashamed, those villains need to feel ashamed for capturing you! Y-You're one of the strongest people I know a-and you did everything you could to not give in to them...that's what I love about you y/ never give in to bad people."

There was a moment of silence before you replied softly, "C-Can you hold me for a bit Tamaki?"

"Of course."

Tamaki got up from his chair and climbed into the bed as you scooted over to give him room. He timidly wrapped his arm around your shoulder, gently nudging you closer to him. "H-How's this?" he asked, voice slightly wavering.

"It's perfect." you replied before nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. "How long do you think we can stay like this?"

"As long as you want to y/n." Tamaki whispered, lightly kissing the top of your head. "I'll be here as long as you want me to be."

"Thank you Tamaki."   

Tamaki Amajiki x Reader: The Pursuit of HappinessWhere stories live. Discover now