Chapter 21: Internship

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I think y'all know who that is, so let's get into the chapter! Y/n has decided to intern at Endeavor's hero agency and the first day is pretty emotional. Enjoy!

Blood King accompanied your class to the train station so you all could arrive at your respective agencies safely. You said your goodbyes to your friends, promising to text them all about your first day later, and you gave Tamaki a quick peck on the cheek.

His face erupted in a fiery blush as he watched you board the train. "I'll text you later Tamaki! Good luck!"

"Y-You too y/n!" Tamaki shouted back making you smile. You took a seat by yourself and put on some headphones, wary of the signs posted that showed the train stops. It would be a while before you got to Endeavor's office, but you used the extra time to go over what you were going to say to the number two hero. First off, you wondered why he had wanted you in the first place.

He must've seen how much potential I have in me! Or is it because our quirks are both pretty destructive? I guess I'll just have to find out.

The train ride took a good half an hour, and it took you ten minutes to walk to his agency. You felt strange as you simply walked through the large double doors at the front. Pro sidekicks bustled around you and you really felt like just a weak high school student. Everyone looked so serious and no one had a backpack, unlike you.

"U-Um excuse me," you started to say to a stressed-looking woman holding a bunch of papers, "I'm here for the internship. From U.A. High..."

She immediately looked annoyed when you said that, but she jutted her chin towards a large wooden door near the corner of the room. "His office is that way. Make sure to knock." she stated.

"T-Thank you."

You collected yourself, knocked on the door, and waited. "Come in!" a deep gruff voice shouted, which made you insitinctively back away from the door.

No y/n...there's nothing to be afraid of, you thought. Before you could second guess yourself again you opened the door and walked into Endeavor's huge private office. Your eyes took on everything as soon as you entered.

It was decorated more regally than you had expected with fancy rugs, huge windows, and a large painting hanging above Endeavor's dark wooden desk. The man in question was scowling at you fiercely, but his face was partially covered by flames so you couldn't quite tell what his expression was.

There was also someone else there. A small boy with bi-colored hair peered over his shoulder at you, his eyes cold. He shoved his hands in his pockets and with a pained expression he shuffled out of the room quickly.

"Oi Shouto! Don't walk away from me!"

But Shouto just slammed the large door behind him without saying a word, leaving you and Endeavor in the room. Endeavor hit his fist against his desk in anger which made you jump back slightly.

"Damn child, doesn't even know what's good for him!" Endeavor shouted, the flames around his body growing brighter. "Who are you anyway?" he asked you, not even trying to look at you. You opened your mouth to speak but shut it just as quickly.

I have to think about what I'll say...I have to be careful...

"My name is y/n l/n. I'm here for the internship. I'm a first year at U.A. High--"

"You're the one with the exploding force fields right?" He interjected. You raised an eyebrow at his question. Shouldn't he know what your quirk was considering he was the one that gave you a vote?

"Yes I am." you replied, not wanting to question him.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance. "I didn't recommend you. So I don't know how useful you actually are. One of my sidekicks went to the festival and put in a good word for you, but I haven't seen anything yet."

"B-But why'd you listen to them if...if you don't know who I am?"

"Simple. I need someone to train with my son. Your quirk sounded pretty violent...but controlled. So, that's why you're here. You'll whip my son into shape so he can get into U.A. too and that's all you'll be doing."

You opened your mouth in shock, anger rising in your throat. "That's all?"

"Yes. Don't look so get to say you interned with me, and training Shouto will be easy enough for you. He's waiting outside so get going, I have a lot of work to do."

"I-Is Shouto ok with this?" you asked. Endeavor chuckled even though there was nothing funny about your question.

"Does it really matter what he wants?"


Endeavor called a personal driver for you and Shouto to use to get to his own training facility. on the ride there the silence between you and Shouto was thick, and you felt absolutely sick to your stomach. Kyoko was partially right about Endeavor but she just didn't know how incredibly manipulative he actually was. 

And Shouto's facial could put two and two together. "S-Shouto--"

"Todoroki's fine." he replied coolly.

"Todoroki...did you want me to train you? We don't have to if you don't want to."

"It's fine. It doesn't matter...stop staring at me." he said, his eyes flashing with cold anger for a moment. You squirmed in your seat, painfully aware that you were older than him but he was the son of a famous hero so you couldn't exactly cuss him out.

"I'm not."

"You've been staring at me this whole time. Is it because of my scar?"

"Do you want me to be honest? Or not?"

"Be honest." he said firmly.

"Yes it is because of your scar. I know I just met you...but looking at it makes me furious. How could he do that to his own son!?" you said, your voice rising.

Todoroki looked pensive for a moment before he spoke. "It wasn't him. My mom...she was pushed to her limit..."

"By him?" you asked.


"I see. I'm sorry for assuming what had happened."

Silence fell over you two again but you just slouched in your seat, stewing with rage. You thought about Tamaki for a moment...what would he do in this situation. As you thought about him you felt yourself calming down. look so sad. If I can just help you a little bit...then I know I made the right choice taking this internship!

With a newfound goal in mind, you exhaled a deep breath and looked out the car window at the passing city scenery. This task was going to be a lot harder than you imagined. 

Tamaki Amajiki x Reader: The Pursuit of HappinessWhere stories live. Discover now