Chapter 2: Entrance Exam

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Chapter 2 here we go ^_^ The U.A. Entrance exams are here and the stakes couldn't be higher! Who knows where this story will go...cause I sure don't! Enjoy!

This is it! This is my chance to prove myself!

Without hesitation, you pulled your body forward and began running along with everyone else. It was complete mayhem, with so people running in different directions, it made your head spin.

The arena was more maze-like than what you had expected, and it looked just like a regular city. A lot of your competitors flocked to the smaller robots that were close by the entrance, but you decided that wasn't wise.

I'll find the bigger two-point robots, I'll destroy them, and then I'll pass!

Farther away you spotted a large cluster of robots just sitting there like easy targets. You grinned and prepared for a fight.

Bright white dots of lights began to illuminate on your arms, legs, and face as you prepared your body to create your force fields. Using your force field quirk used up a lot of energy, so you had to be extremely strategic with how you utilized it.

With a swift burst of energy, you created six sphere-like force fields and pushed them towards the group of robots. In an instant, the force fields exploded with such force that it destroyed and disintegrated the nine robots.

You whistled at the explosions and laughed at your handiwork. This was going well!

"Y/n...g-good job!" A voice called out to you.

You looked up and saw Amajiki swinging from the streetlights on...octopus tentacles!?

"Woah Amajiki!" You shouted out in surprise. "No fair you have extra mobility!"

"S-Sorry, but I wanna pass too..." He said. He kept on swinging until he was down the road and out of earshot, on his way to fight the robots himself. You smiled at his newfound confidence but you didn't have any time to waste. There were still many robots to fight and destroy! 


Robot after robot...point after point...eventually you lost count of how many you had taken down and you weren't even sure how many you had to take out. There were also a few people that you had "saved" from being mowed down by some of the bigger robots, but you doubted that that would affect your final score.

You ran from street to street, trying to find more targets. After all, you weren't the only one taking this exam, and you definitely weren't the only one who wanted to pass. Speaking of which...

"Amajiki...I hope you are doing ok." You said aloud, your eyebrows furrowing together with worry. You hadn't seen him since your first attack and you were growing a bit nervous. So far you had not run into any robots down this street, so you were thinking that perhaps there were none left.

Actually...the street was dead silent. You stopped in your tracks, listening for any sound of movement. Nothing.

"W-What the hell...where is everyone?" You asked yourself, the hairs in the back of your neck beginning to stand on end. Maybe the exam is over? Is this how U.A. did things?

Before you could turn back and gather your thoughts a quiet booming sound reverberated in your ears. It started to sound like footsteps to you but what made you nervous was the fact that they were getting louder.

But before you could run away quickly enough, an enormous robot landed next to you, its feet crashing into the ground next to you. You flew backward, your head and back hitting the pavement hard. You rolled over a few times, the wind completely knocked out of you.

Tamaki Amajiki x Reader: The Pursuit of HappinessWhere stories live. Discover now