Chapter 20: Afterwards

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With the Sports Festival wrapping up y/n, Tamaki, Nejire, and Mirio all wait with baited breath to see if any pro heroes wanted them as interns! I'm glad the Sports Festival arc is kind of over with...tbh I don't know how many chapters this fic is going to be. I have a few more things I want to write in though, so there will be ten more chapters at the least. Enjoy!

Kenta ended up winning the entire Sports Festival, much to your anger. But after Tamaki had managed to calm you down you were more than happy to accept your 3rd place medal with grace and civility. After that was over though you wanted nothing more than to just go home and sleep!

Which you did. And you did it with grace and civility.


The day after the Sports Festival, you had many people stop you on the street and tell you how good you did. It was weren't ready to be a full-on celebrity just yet! You hadn't even thought of a good hero signature let alone a hero person. You imagined yourself being a cool-headed and aloof hero that only said a few words in interviews, but those few words were bound to be extremely wise. Then people would make a bunch of posters of your quotes and there would be blogs dedicated to your fashion, and fighting style and...

"Hey y/n! You're zoning out's too early to disaccociate y/n! We need to have our wits about us because today we'll find out which pros want us!" Mirio exclaimed, tearing you away from your fantasy. You had somehow ended up in your classroom safe and sound, despite not remembering how you got there but his words made you gasp aloud.

"Oh my gosh you're right! All this work...I'll finally get to see who's interested in me!!" you shouted out in excitement. Mirio smiled at you.

"I bet you got tons of votes y/n. You were so cool...they'd be crazy not to want you at their agencies!"

You blushed hard at his words, but a glimmer of hope began to course through your veins. Maybe one of the top ten heroes wanted you...maybe you had impressed the right people. You made small talk with your friends until class started, and for once your entire class was quiet as they waited with baited breath for Blood King to announce who had gotten chosen by which heroes.

"Alright guys. Even of you didn't get any votes from any heroes, you are still going to do an internship. Got that?"

"Yes sir!"

"Good, let's see what we got here then..." he motioned to the board in the front of the room, and the results were projected onto it electronically.

You had the most votes since you had made it the farthest, Nejire had a bunch of votes too, and Tamaki had a good amount of votes. You saw Mirio scan the board for his name and his eyes widened. "One hero wants me!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with ecstatic joy.

"That's great! I wonder who it is?" you asked, curious about his one vote. But before you could ask more, Blood King started talking again.

"I have the printed lists of all of the heroes that voted for you all, and then I also have some heroes that I recommended for you at the bottom. Choose carefully now! A lot of first years regret the choices they make, so be wise about this."

"Yes sir!!" your classmates responded, and he started handing out the lists.

I got the most votes...that means I'll have the most choices! But it also gives me more room to regret my final choice...   

"Y/n. Here's your list. Congratulations on your votes. You bring pride to this class." Blood King stated, giving you a small smile. You smiled back, at a loss for words.

"T-Thanks..." you mumbled, taking the piece of paper. You squinted at the name at the top of the list.


"The number two hero...but he's crazy! Hey Mirio who's the hero who wanted you?"

"Sir Nighteye... he sounds scary! But I swear I've heard that name before...ah I don't remember!" Mirio responded, his deep blue eyes bright and wide. "I'm ready to face any challenges he'll throw at me!"

You smiled and turned to Tamaki. "Who are you gonna choose? You got a lot of votes too."

"A-Ah I don't know. Pro hero Fatgum is on the list...his quirk is similar to mine so probably him. I've watched some of his fights...he seems nice. I-I hope I won't regret it though."

"You won't. You'll be great...hmm, Fatgum's on my list too. Maybe I should just go with you too...?"

"But the number two hero Endeavor wants you," Tamaki said, pointing to your piece of paper, "so wouldn't that be better for your own...hero career? Or might learn more from him. I don't know..."

"No, you're right...I just...have heard things about him. He doesn't seem like the nicest guy around. But the news might just be exaggerating...I don't know."

"You have some time t-to think about it. I-It would be awesome if we could intern you're always welcome to join me." Tamaki said. He sounded sincere and you knew you would have to really think about your options.

I'm going to have trouble sleeping tonight... 


After staying up all night deliberating on your choices for an internship, you had finally come to a decision that you hoped you wouldn't regret. Learning from the number two hero couldn't be so bad right? You were bound to learn a few things from him on your internship.

"I think he has kids too...maybe I'll get to meet them!" you told Kyoko excitedly as you made her breakfast before you went to school. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"You'll probably get burned alive y/n! He's scary! That's why he'll never be the number one hero!"

"Aw, Kyoko...I think I can handle myself just fine. Plus that's kinda rude, I mean he is competing with All Might you know. It can't be easy." you responded.

"Oh yeah? So is everyone else. That doesn't mean you have to be a scary jerk!" Kyoko retorted, before darting away into the living room. You sighed and focused on the sizzling eggs in the frying pan.

"I'll be fine..." you muttered to yourself, as if you were trying to convince yourself that your final choice was the right one.

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