Chapter 11: Rivalries and Friendships

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A group battle royale huh? Seems violent...

"Now I'll explain the rules everybody so listen up! Everyone will get three headbands that you will wear only on your heads. Then you'll get into groups of four and you will have to protect each other from other people who will want to take your headbands! Once all three of your headbands are taken though, you will be disqualified and you will not be able to be on your team anymore. However, your team can give you three extra headbands that they have stolen if they have them, but if they do that then those headbands will not be added to your team's score." Nezu said, making some students whisper among themselves. 

This game certainly didn't give you a lot of second chances that was for sure. 

"The team with the most headbands in the end wins. And remember, there can only be four teams who can make it to the battle tournament, so be aware of that. " Nezu warned, making you gulp down hard.

This entire event seemed like it was going to be quite stressful.

"Use your quirk to their full potentials everyone and good luck. You will have five minutes to form your teams!"

Nejire tapped you on your shoulder, her blue eyes shining bright. "Wanna be on a team? We have all the right amount of people after all."

Mirio smiled, throwing his arm over Tamaki's shoulder. "Yeah! We can do this guys! There's no doubt in my mind!"

"I guess we can, or we'll at least try. Despite all of these eyes on us." Tamaki said, giving all three of you a crooked smile.

"Yeah! That'll make us try even harder Tamaki!" you said, leaning forward and clutching his hand. "We're gonna kick some serious ass." Tamaki blushed hard at the sudden contact so you let go of his hand slowly, muttering a quiet apology to him. "Sorry, just got excited..."

"Yeah!!" Mirio and Nejire said in unison, not even noticing the moment between you and Tamaki. Your team was made, so now it was time to put it to the test. Each of you got your headbands and tried to talk about a strategy with the last few minutes you had.

"I think we should attack everyone we see! Oh, what if we just use y/n's force fields and protect us from people stealing our headbands?" Nejire proposed, making her voice quiet so no one else could listen in. Mirio glanced at you before nodding in agreement.

"That would be the most convenient strategy."

"Yeah if only I could keep that up for a long time. My guess is that this round is gonna last a long time, and I can't keep a full-size force field up for that long. I'm sorry, but we'll have to use it more...cautiously." You said to your friends, already feeling like you were letting them down.

But Mirio just gave you a bright smile and a swift pat on your back. "You're right. Putting it all on you isn't that fair...we'll figure something else out!"

"Yeah, I ate a lot of takoyaki so I can be the defenses along with you y/n. I-I think our forces combined would be good." Tamaki added, his lips forming a smirk. "They'll never know what hit them."

"I like it!" you said, giving him an enthusiastic thumbs up. A faint blush appeared on his cheeks and he averted his gaze quickly.

"Alright, then guys! Let's do our best!" Mirio said, right before Nezu began to speak into the microphone.

"Alright everyone has their flags and teams so it's time to get this party started!" Nezu announced and everyone readied themselves for battle. "I hope you all remembered the rules...good luck...start!"

Teams of students unleashed their quirks on each other, people already trying to take as many headbands as they could. Tamaki formed his signature tentacles and aimed them at a team of people from class 1-A. "H-Here goes nothing!"

The tentacles wrapped around their feet, making them lose balance and fall to the ground. Quickly you aimed some small exploding force fields around their fallen bodies to distract them.

"Go Mirio now!" you yelled at the blonde, who was smiling widely. He ran into the cloud of dust that you had created and attempted to steal the team's headbands. The dust settled and Mirio's shirt was now gone thanks to his quirk, but Tamaki immediately wrapped his tentacles around Mirio's torso and pulled him back towards you all. "How many headbands did you get?" you asked him.

"Oh! I got nine!" he said gleefully, tucking the headbands into the waistband of his pants. "That means only one team member was left standing!"

"Our sneak attack strategy was really good! Right? We're awesome!" Nejire exclaimed, smiling joyfully at all three of you. "We should fight Kenta's team now!"

"A-Ah, or we could just lay low and keep our headbands safe," Tamaki said, and you opened your mouth to agree with him but something shiny caught your eye.

"Everyone get closer to me now!" you shouted, and your teammates immediately complied with your command. You put up a force field around all four of you just as shards of metal clanged against your barrier.

"Aaah! Isn't that too dangerous!?" Tamaki said, his voice quivering with fear. But you couldn't help but agree. If those shards had hit you all, especially Mirio who was shirtless, there would have definitely been some injuries!

"Damn it. Guess we can't lay low after all guys," you muttered, your eyebrows furrowing in concentration as you tried to keep up the force field.

"Oh no. Look who it is y/n!" Nejire said. You looked forwards and cold blue eyes met yours. Kenta's team charged towards you and your heart began to race.

"G-Guess we're g-gonna have to fight our w-way out," Tamaki said, lowering his body so he would be ready to fight. 

"Seems like it...let's do this!"

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