Chapter 7: Reasons

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Sorry for the...slight...angst everybody. It will all be fine ^_^ Also the pic is kind of what I imagine the hospital looks like. Enjoy!

Tamaki went with you to the hospital which was luckily just a short subway ride away. In one of her voicemails, you mom gave you the hospital's address even though you and her had been there multiple times. When you told that to Tamaki, he looked shocked.

"You mean this has happened to your sister b-before!?" He asked, his dark eyes blown wide. You two had just left the train station and you could already see the towering hospital building a few blocks away.

"Kyoko...she's never had the best health. Even when she was born I remember that she had to stay in the nicu for almost a week and half. But the truth is...we don't know what's wrong with her. The only thing mom and I know is that we can't afford all of her medical treatment. The government pays seventy percent of her expenses but thirty percent is still a lot!"

"Y/n...I'm so sorry. I-If I knew about this...I could've--"

"Tamaki! Don't you dare blame yourself! There's nothing either of us can really do...I'm already doing as much as I can as it is..."

Your voice broke off and you two approached the hospital in silence. But before you went through the doors, you have Tamaki a pained smile. "Thank you for coming with me though. I-It means a lot."

"O-Of course y/n."

With that you two went through the automatic doors and headed towards the help desk. "Hi do you know where Ms. L/n is. She's my mom...she's here with my little sister."

"Ah...Kyoko?" The woman asked, her eyes looking over at her computer screen.


"Your mom's in waiting room three, that's upstairs on the second floor."

"Do you know if Kyoko is a-alright?" You asked her, your voice cracking slightly. Without thinking, you reached down and clutched Tamaki's hand in yours. He didn't pull away. He was your anchor for now.

"I'm sorry I don't know." The woman said. "The doctors will know more."

That figures...they love keeping secrets, you thought.

"Ok thanks." You said, and with that you and Tamaki walked over to the elevators. Tamaki squeezed your hand gently, showing his support.

"Y/n...I-I have to ask," Tamaki started, as the elevator doors opened and you two walked in, "is Kyoko the reason you are going to U.A. H-High?"

Your heart sank. You didn't want Tamaki to think that your reasons for wanting to be a hero were selfish. The elevator reached the second floor but you stopped walking down the hallway and let go of Tamaki's hand. He needed to know just why you were at U.A. High, even if he judged you for it.

"'re right. I am at U.A. for Kyoko." you said. "And I know that heroes help people and save lives...and it might not be the best reason right now...but for now I just want to save my sister. If I become pro I'll make a lot of money which I'll use for her treatment and that might be selfish since I'm not really thinking about other people or citizens or whatever...but it's my priority now. I have to become a hero for my family!"

Your voice rang loudly throughout the hallway, but you didn't care. You just cared about what Tamaki thought.

"Y/n...I think that's amazing. You don't have to have a perfect reason to be a hero right now. We're all still learning and growing and helping your sister like that...well if that's not heroic then what is?" Tamaki said, his black eyes meeting yours and for a moment his nervous personality was replaced with someone so intense and serious that you felt like you were standing near the sun.

Tamaki Amajiki x Reader: The Pursuit of HappinessWhere stories live. Discover now