Chapter 1: First Meeting

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First chapter here we go! For this fic, the reader will have a quirk that can allow them to create impenetrable force fields made of energy from their own body. They can also make tiny sphere-like force fields that can move around and explode, like a grenade/flash bomb. A good defense and offense type of quirk. Enjoy!

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The high pitched sound coming from your alarm clock on your phone roused you from your deep slumber and you woke up with a start. You immediately turned off the alarm and jumped out of bed. You must've slept through the three other alarms you had set! Luckily, you had laid out your clothes last night so you could get ready quickly just in case you woke up late.

Today was the day. The U.A. entrance exams, said to be one of the most notoriously difficult entrance exams in Japan were today, and you were going to make sure to give it your all!

You threw on a plain red shirt, a sporty black and white jacket, and soft black baggy pants. All in all, you had picked a very practical and comfortable ensemble. You didn't know exactly what would be on the test, but you imagined there would be a physical portion and you didn't want to be underprepared. 

Dashing down the stairs you almost crashed into your little sister, Kyoko, when you reached the bottom. She had the craziest bedhead you had ever seen and deep eye bags even though she was still in elementary school.

She frowned and stuck her pink tongue out at you. "At this rate, you'll be lucky if you make it to the school by seven o'clock y/n. Seven at night I mean." She said, her voice still slow and raspy from sleep.

"Yeah, I get it. You're very funny." You said, chuckling at her as you poured some corn flakes into a large bowl and drowned it in milk. It wasn't the best breakfast as far as giving you energy for your quirk was concerned, but it was the fastest option. You practically inhaled it and mussed up your sister's hair as you left.

"Wait y/n!" she called out, her tiny voice filling up the room. You turned around and she held out her palm to you. In the center of her hand was a silver medallion with the number one etched on it crudely. It was attached to a black leather cord, and you smiled at her gift. "I made it in my schools' metals class. It's a lucky charm," she said still holding her hand out, "You don't have to wear it if you don't wanna..."

You smiled and took the charm from her tiny hand. "Thank you so much Kyoko! I'll wear it with pride...gotta go!" you exclaimed. As you ran out the door, you tied the cord tightly around your neck. It bounced when you ran like it was willing you to move forward with every beat.

"Good luck y/n..." Kyoko said quietly to herself, as she watched you run down the street.


Getting to U.A. was easy enough, granted most of the trek was uphill and on some pretty busy roads. But it was fine...everything was fine!

"What the shit!? This gate's frickin' huge!" you exclaimed when you finally stood in front of the school. Your outburst made a few people turn their heads in your direction. But you didn't care if they judged you, this school was already exceeding your highest expectations. You gaped at the impressive structure, in complete and utter awe.

"E-Excuse m-me..." you heard a quiet voice say, before a black-haired boy walked past you, bowing his head so he didn't make eye contact with you.

"Oh, sorry." you said, watching him go. Suddenly you heard loud footsteps and a tall blonde guy whizzed past you. He waved eagerly at the black-haired boy as he asked, "Are you ready Tamaki? Today's the day my friend! Today we'll become U.A. students!!"

Tamaki Amajiki x Reader: The Pursuit of HappinessWhere stories live. Discover now