"I just can't let her go."

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"If I tell her she would be sad, I don't want to hurt her. I have already gone too far." Lucca said, he was sitting across King North, she was watching his movements.

"Then you should have thought of the consequences before you tried to steal her heart." King North said, she leaned in closer.

Lucca looked at the floor, "I know, I have to go back and make it right, it's my duty to go. I just don't want to say goodbye to Raziel, I love her." He explained, he sighed and looked back at the king.

"You have to let it go, she knows nothing about you. What she knows is a lie, you have to end it before it gets to serious. I am not letting you deny what your father left for you, you are not going to lie to someone who can get on with their life, she will forget about you eventually." King North said, she stood up.

"Look at you, once a prince and now a nervous wreck." She laughed, then she put her hands on his shoulders.

"Give it up, your life is already set for you, you don't need another distraction in the way." King North said, she took a step back.

Lucca put his hands on his face, he let out a loud sigh, "I'm not going to go back, she taught me that life is different than I thought, and it's ok to have fun." He said, she hit the back of his head.

"Ow!" Lucca said, "I'm not letting you waste your life away! You are Lucca Night, A prince! Not a TimeKeeper! Get it together, you have to end it tomorrow. And that's final, we need to get ready for the Arrangement. You're not going to disgrace your bloodline." King North sat back down, she sighed in anger, "Understood?" She asked, she looked at him.

"Yes." He said, a single tear fell from his cheek, "I understand." He stood up and walked to the door, his hands were shaking, his hands touched the cold doorknob. He looked back at her.

"You leave in the morning, don't be late." King North said.

"Bye." Lucca whispered, his mind raced, thoughts flooded his mind, but before he could open the door the guards chased a fugue away, they didn't know who that was.

(Play music now)

Lucca left and went back to his tent, he closed the door, his body sunk to the ground, tears of anger and frustration fell to the floor, he wanted to scream but also wanted to sleep. He wanted to hit something but also keep his composure.

He didn't know what to do.

Lucca stood up "No. I'm not going to lose the only thing that loves me. The real me." He said out loud, he stumbled to his bed and looked at the ceiling, he started to cry in frustration. He didn't know what he would say, or how he could go on without her, he couldn't let her go. No matter what would happen, he couldn't pretend anymore.

In the morning he left for the TimeKeeper world, he didn't know what to do.

When he got there he walked up to the door, Seishin answered the door, "Why are you here?" He asked in a cold voice.

"I need to speak to Raziel." Lucca said, he was looking at the floor.

Seishin slammed the floor, "Go away!" He yelled, Lucca walked to the side of the house, Raziel was by the window, she was reading a book.

Lucca climbed up to the window and tapped on it, Raziel looked shocked, she opened the window and smiled. "It's good to see you, how have you been?" She asked, Lucca sat on the window, "I'm fine, um.. I have to um.. to talk to you about something.." he stumbled to say. He couldn't look into her eyes.

Raziel looked confused, "Ok.. what do you want to speak to me about?" She asked, Alva woke up and jumped onto his lap, he rubbed against his hand, Lucca stroked Alva, he still would not look at Raziel.

"Raziel... I can't do this anymore.." Lucca paused, "I'm sorry, I can't lie to you." He whispered, Raziel sat next to him, she leaned against him. "I don't understand." she said softly.

Lucca looked at her hand, he hesitated to touch it, then he slowly took her hand. "I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say." Lucca said, he started to cry.

"Please don't cry, I don't know what to do if you cry." Raziel said with a panicked voice.

"Sorry, I just.." lucca stopped, he looked at her, his eyes were filled with sorrow.

Then Lucca got down on one knee.

He took her hand and looked at her, "I can't let you go, your more important to me than anything. Will you.." he paused to take a breath, his voice was shaky.

"Will you.." he looked into her eyes, her deep blue eyes were almost filled with tears.

"Run away with me?" He asked, his words shocked her, she smiled, "Where will we go?" She asked, Alva meowed loudly, he pushed himself in between them.

"Anywhere but here. I don't want to leave you, I need you in my life." Lucca blushed, he looked at the floor.

"Ok. I trust you." Raziel said, Lucca stood up and picked her up, he twirled around with her.

"That doesn't mean you can pick me up!" She yelled.

He let her down, he kissed her in excitement. "I love you." He said, she looked up at him. "I love you too." 

Lucca smiled, his eyes had something different in them than before, Hope.

Raziel looked at him and then jumped into his arms, "I'll never leave you." She whispered.

"That's what I'm afraid of.." Lucca whispered back.

"Leaving you."

-to be continued-

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