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It had been a week since everyone from berk moved to the new island. Everyone had been working hard to finish the new village. Some feared that the Hunters would find them again and they'd all have to retreat even further. But you and Astrid along with her friends felt safe here. You all felt like this island would be better for everyone. Only a few houses were made. Some people slept in the houses while others slept in the folded wings of their dragons.
    It was night time. You were curled up by Midnight and the five smaller night furys. You felt someone touch your shoulder. You open your eyes to see Astrid. You sit up. "Hey Astrid you okay?" You ask rubbing your tired eyes. "Yeah." She smiles and you can see the blush lining her cheeks. "Some people are sleeping with their dragons...." She says softly. It confuses you. 'why is she saying this. Is it because I should sleep with my dragons. No. I'm already sleeping with them. Why is she bothering me with this fact I'm am very aware of"  You say in your head. You hear her sigh and you look up at her. "I..... Can I sleep with you.... My dragon?" You sit there for a second and process what she said. Your eyes go wide as you realize what she was asking. You smile. "Sure" You lay back down and Astrid lies beside you. You put your wing over her and both of you fall asleep.
    The sun rises waking everyone.  'Another day of work' You sigh. You get up and feel your hand graze someone. Then you remember you went to sleep with Astrid. You blush. She slowly wakes up as your wing moves out of her face and reveals her to the bright sun. She sits up and yawns. "Did you sleep well?" You ask hugging her from behind. "Oh yeah.... I did." She smiles and pulls your arms off of her. "Well we have work to do." She gets up and streches. You get up as well. You signaled dragons giving them tasks that would help in building the new village. Some of them went to catch fish or sheep. Others went to cut down trees and bring the timber back for villagers to begin building with. You went around and tried to help some of the people build but they all rejected your help. Some of them even responded saying; "You'll just mess us up." Or "No get lost hybrid." None of these really hurt you but Astrid heard every insult that people said to you. She was furious, But she said nothing. Since no one wanted your help you went and started building a house by yourself.
    By the time the sun was setting you already had the frame of your house complete. You sighed looking out to everyone else's work. Some men had fully finished a house and were working on building a arena for the dragons. You look at your structure. It was sturdy and strong. Hiccup lands by your house. You turn to him. "Wow.   Y/N, did you build this by yourself?" He asks jumping off his dragon and touching the frame of the house. "Yeah." You sigh. "This is great. Very well made." You smile at his compliment. "Is there an actual reason you came over here or did you just see my structure?"You scratch the back of your head. It was awkward talking to Hiccup. You never knew why. He was just weird. "Well your parents want to talk to you Y/N." He says getting back on Toothless. "They're in the cave on the south east corner of the island." You nod and take to the sky.
    You land at the cave and peer in. Your parents are in the corner talking. You can't quite hear the words they're saying. They see you and shush quickly. "You wanted to talk to me?" Your mother nods. You walk into the cave. "What is it?" Your mother mother sighs. "How can you stand to use the dragons for personal gain?" Your mother asks. You look down. "It's not personal gain. Mom I use them to help out the village and to help the dragons." You say unsure if what you said was right. "I can't stand to see you do that. Making them collect wood. Making them fish. Why? Why do you do this to them?" You glare at her. "If I didn't then they'd be dead. The Hunters would have them if I didn't use them. I'm making them stronger in a way mom. If you don't like it then you can leave." Tears swell in your eyes as you speak those last words. 'Please don't leave' You say in your head.

Hello my fellow readers. Sorry for this late update. And sorry if it was boring. But I promise I'll try to make the next chapter better.

(Complete) Dragon girl (Astrid X Fem Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora